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Utility functions

koheesio.utils.convert_str_to_bool #

convert_str_to_bool(value) -> Any

Converts a string to a boolean if the string is either 'true' or 'false'

Source code in src/koheesio/
def convert_str_to_bool(value) -> Any:
    """Converts a string to a boolean if the string is either 'true' or 'false'"""
    if isinstance(value, str) and (v := value.lower()) in ["true", "false"]:
        value = v == "true"
    return value

koheesio.utils.get_args_for_func #

get_args_for_func(func: Callable, params: Dict) -> Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]

Helper function that matches keyword arguments (params) on a given function

This function uses inspect to extract the signature on the passed Callable, and then uses functools.partial to construct a new Callable (partial) function on which the input was mapped.

input_dict = {"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}

def example_func(a: str):
    return a

func, kwargs = get_args_for_func(example_func, input_dict)

In this example, - func would be a callable with the input mapped toward it (i.e. can be called like any normal function) - kwargs would be a dict holding just the output needed to be able to run the function (e.g. {"a": "foo"})


Name Type Description Default
func Callable

The function to inspect

params Dict

Dictionary with keyword values that will be mapped on the 'func'



Type Description
Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]
  • Callable a partial() func with the found keyword values mapped toward it
  • Dict[str, Any] the keyword args that match the func
Source code in src/koheesio/
def get_args_for_func(func: Callable, params: Dict) -> Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Helper function that matches keyword arguments (params) on a given function

    This function uses inspect to extract the signature on the passed Callable, and then uses functools.partial to
     construct a new Callable (partial) function on which the input was mapped.

    input_dict = {"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}

    def example_func(a: str):
        return a

    func, kwargs = get_args_for_func(example_func, input_dict)

    In this example,
    - `func` would be a callable with the input mapped toward it (i.e. can be called like any normal function)
    - `kwargs` would be a dict holding just the output needed to be able to run the function (e.g. {"a": "foo"})

    func: Callable
        The function to inspect
    params: Dict
        Dictionary with keyword values that will be mapped on the 'func'

    Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]
        - Callable
            a partial() func with the found keyword values mapped toward it
        - Dict[str, Any]
            the keyword args that match the func
    _kwargs = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k in inspect.getfullargspec(func).args}
    return (
        partial(func, **_kwargs),

koheesio.utils.get_project_root #

get_project_root() -> Path

Returns project root path.

Source code in src/koheesio/
def get_project_root() -> Path:
    """Returns project root path."""
    cmd = Path(__file__)
    return Path([i for i in cmd.parents if i.as_uri().endswith("src")][0]).parent

koheesio.utils.get_random_string #

get_random_string(length: int = 64, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str

Generate a random string of specified length

Source code in src/koheesio/
def get_random_string(length: int = 64, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    """Generate a random string of specified length"""
    if prefix:
        return f"{prefix}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}"[0:length]
    return f"{uuid.uuid4().hex}"[0:length]

koheesio.utils.import_class #

import_class(module_class: str) -> Any

Import class and module based on provided string.


Name Type Description Default
module_class str


Type Description
object Class from specified input string.
Source code in src/koheesio/
def import_class(module_class: str) -> Any:
    """Import class and module based on provided string.

    module_class module+class to be imported.

    object  Class from specified input string.

    module_path, class_name = module_class.rsplit(".", 1)
    module = import_module(module_path)

    return getattr(module, class_name)