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Transform module

Transform aims to provide an easy interface for calling transformations on a Spark DataFrame, where the transformation is a function that accepts a DataFrame (df) and any number of keyword args.

koheesio.spark.transformations.transform.Transform #

Transform(func: Callable, params: Dict = None, df: DataFrame = None, **kwargs)

Transform aims to provide an easy interface for calling transformations on a Spark DataFrame, where the transformation is a function that accepts a DataFrame (df) and any number of keyword args.

The implementation is inspired by and based upon:


Name Type Description Default
func Callable

The function to be called on the DataFrame.

params Dict

The keyword arguments to be passed to the function. Defaults to None. Alternatively, keyword arguments can be passed directly as keyword arguments - they will be merged with the params dictionary.

a function compatible with Transform:#
def some_func(df, a: str, b: str):
    return df.withColumn(a, f.lit(b))
verbose style input in Transform#
Transform(func=some_func, params={"a": "foo", "b": "bar"})
shortened style notation (easier to read)#
Transform(some_func, a="foo", b="bar")
when too much input is given, Transform will ignore extra input#
    # ignored input
    # order of params input should not matter
using the from_func classmethod#
SomeFunc = Transform.from_func(some_func, a="foo")
some_func = SomeFunc(b="bar")
Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def __init__(self, func: Callable, params: Dict = None, df: DataFrame = None, **kwargs):
    params = {**(params or {}), **kwargs}
    super().__init__(func=func, params=params, df=df)

func class-attribute instance-attribute #

func: Callable = Field(default=None, description='The function to be called on the DataFrame.')

execute #


Call the function on the DataFrame with the given keyword arguments.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def execute(self):
    """Call the function on the DataFrame with the given keyword arguments."""
    func, kwargs = get_args_for_func(self.func, self.params)
    self.output.df = self.df.transform(func=func, **kwargs)

from_func classmethod #

from_func(func: Callable, **kwargs) -> Callable[..., Transform]

Create a Transform class from a function. Useful for creating a new class with a different name.

This method uses the functools.partial function to create a new class with the given function and keyword arguments. This way you can pre-define some of the keyword arguments for the function that might be needed for the specific use case.

CustomTransform = Transform.from_func(some_func, a="foo")
some_func = CustomTransform(b="bar")

In this example, CustomTransform is a Transform class with the function some_func and the keyword argument a set to "foo". When calling some_func(b="bar"), the function some_func will be called with the keyword arguments a="foo" and b="bar".

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def from_func(cls, func: Callable, **kwargs) -> Callable[..., Transform]:
    """Create a Transform class from a function. Useful for creating a new class with a different name.

    This method uses the `functools.partial` function to create a new class with the given function and keyword
    arguments. This way you can pre-define some of the keyword arguments for the function that might be needed for
    the specific use case.

    CustomTransform = Transform.from_func(some_func, a="foo")
    some_func = CustomTransform(b="bar")

    In this example, `CustomTransform` is a Transform class with the function `some_func` and the keyword argument
    `a` set to "foo". When calling `some_func(b="bar")`, the function `some_func` will be called with the keyword
    arguments `a="foo"` and `b="bar"`.
    return partial(cls, func=func, **kwargs)