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Row number dedup

This module contains the RowNumberDedup class, which performs a row_number deduplication operation on a DataFrame.

See the docstring of the RowNumberDedup class for more information.

koheesio.spark.transformations.row_number_dedup.RowNumberDedup #

A class used to perform a row_number deduplication operation on a DataFrame.

This class is a specialized transformation that extends the ColumnsTransformation class. It sorts the DataFrame based on the provided sort columns and assigns a row_number to each row. It then filters the DataFrame to keep only the top-row_number row for each group of duplicates. The row_number of each row can be stored in a specified target column or a default column named "meta_row_number_column". The class also provides an option to preserve meta columns (like the row_numberk column) in the output DataFrame.


Name Type Description
columns list

List of columns to apply the transformation to. If a single '*' is passed as a column name or if the columns parameter is omitted, the transformation will be applied to all columns of the data types specified in run_for_all_data_type of the ColumnConfig. (inherited from ColumnsTransformation)

sort_columns list

List of columns that the DataFrame will be sorted by.

target_column (str, optional)

Column where the row_number of each row will be stored.

preserve_meta (bool, optional)

Flag that determines whether the meta columns should be kept in the output DataFrame.

preserve_meta class-attribute instance-attribute #

preserve_meta: bool = Field(default=False, description="If true, meta columns are kept in output dataframe. Defaults to 'False'")

sort_columns class-attribute instance-attribute #

sort_columns: conlist(Union[str, Column], min_length=0) = Field(default_factory=list, alias='sort_column', description='List of orderBy columns. If only one column is passed, it can be passed as a single object.')

target_column class-attribute instance-attribute #

target_column: Optional[Union[str, Column]] = Field(default='meta_row_number_column', alias='target_suffix', description='The column to store the result in. If not provided, the result will be stored in the sourcecolumn. Alias: target_suffix - if multiple columns are given as source, this will be used as a suffix')

window_spec property #

window_spec: WindowSpec

Builds a WindowSpec object based on the columns defined in the configuration.

The WindowSpec object is used to define a window frame over which functions are applied in Spark. This method partitions the data by the columns returned by the get_columns method and then orders the partitions by the columns specified in sort_columns.


The order of the columns in the WindowSpec object is preserved. If a column is passed as a string, it is converted to a Column object with DESC ordering.


Type Description

A WindowSpec object that can be used to define a window frame in Spark.

execute #

execute() -> Output

Performs the row_number deduplication operation on the DataFrame.

This method sorts the DataFrame based on the provided sort columns, assigns a row_number to each row, and then filters the DataFrame to keep only the top-row_number row for each group of duplicates. The row_number of each row is stored in the target column. If preserve_meta is False, the method also drops the target column from the DataFrame.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def execute(self) -> RowNumberDedup.Output:
    Performs the row_number deduplication operation on the DataFrame.

    This method sorts the DataFrame based on the provided sort columns, assigns a row_number to each row,
    and then filters the DataFrame to keep only the top-row_number row for each group of duplicates.
    The row_number of each row is stored in the target column. If preserve_meta is False,
    the method also drops the target column from the DataFrame.
    df = self.df
    window_spec = self.window_spec

    # if target_column is a string, convert it to a Column object
    if isinstance((target_column := self.target_column), str):
        target_column = col(target_column)

    # dedup the dataframe based on the window spec
    df = df.withColumn(self.target_column, row_number().over(window_spec)).filter(target_column == 1).select("*")

    if not self.preserve_meta:
        df = df.drop(target_column)

    self.output.df = df

set_sort_columns #


Validates and optimizes the sort_columns parameter.

This method ensures that sort_columns is a list (or single object) of unique strings or Column objects. It removes any empty strings or None values from the list and deduplicates the columns.


Name Type Description Default
columns_value Union[str, Column, List[Union[str, Column]]]

The value of the sort_columns parameter.



Type Description
List[Union[str, Column]]

The optimized and deduplicated list of sort columns.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
@field_validator("sort_columns", mode="before")
def set_sort_columns(cls, columns_value):
    Validates and optimizes the sort_columns parameter.

    This method ensures that sort_columns is a list (or single object) of unique strings or Column objects.
    It removes any empty strings or None values from the list and deduplicates the columns.

    columns_value : Union[str, Column, List[Union[str, Column]]]
        The value of the sort_columns parameter.

    List[Union[str, Column]]
        The optimized and deduplicated list of sort columns.
    # Convert single string or Column object to a list
    columns = [columns_value] if isinstance(columns_value, (str, Column)) else [*columns_value]

    # Remove empty strings, None, etc.
    columns = [c for c in columns if (isinstance(c, Column) and c is not None) or (isinstance(c, str) and c)]

    dedup_columns = []
    seen = set()

    # Deduplicate the columns while preserving the order
    for column in columns:
        if str(column) not in seen:

    return dedup_columns