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Date time

Module that holds the transformations that can be used for date and time related operations.

koheesio.spark.transformations.date_time.ChangeTimeZone #

Allows for the value of a column to be changed from one timezone to another



target_column = "some_column_name"
target_timezone = "EST"
add_target_timezone = True  # default value
timezone_column_suffix = "_timezone"  # default value


column name  = "some_column_name_timezone"  # notice the suffix
column value = "EST"

add_target_timezone class-attribute instance-attribute #

add_target_timezone: bool = Field(default=True, description='Toggles whether the target timezone is added as a column. True by default.')

from_timezone class-attribute instance-attribute #

from_timezone: str = Field(default=..., alias='source_timezone', description='Timezone of the source_column value. Timezone fields are validated against the `TZ database name` column in this list:')

target_timezone_column_suffix class-attribute instance-attribute #

target_timezone_column_suffix: Optional[str] = Field(default='_timezone', alias='suffix', description="Allows to customize the suffix that is added to the target_timezone column. Defaults to '_timezone'. Note: this will be ignored if 'add_target_timezone' is set to False")

to_timezone class-attribute instance-attribute #

to_timezone: str = Field(default=..., alias='target_timezone', description='Target timezone. Timezone fields are validated against the `TZ database name` column in this list:')

execute #

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
def execute(self):
    df = self.df

    for target_column, column in self.get_columns_with_target():
        func = self.func  # select the applicable function
        df = df.withColumn(

        # document which timezone a field has been converted to
        if self.add_target_timezone:
            df = df.withColumn(f"{target_column}{self.target_timezone_column_suffix}", f.lit(self.to_timezone))

    self.output.df = df

func #

func(column: Column) -> Column
Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
def func(self, column: Column) -> Column:
    return change_timezone(column=column, source_timezone=self.from_timezone, target_timezone=self.to_timezone)

validate_no_duplicate_timezones #


Validate that source and target timezone are not the same

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
def validate_no_duplicate_timezones(cls, values):
    """Validate that source and target timezone are not the same"""
    from_timezone_value = values.get("from_timezone")
    to_timezone_value = values.get("o_timezone")

    if from_timezone_value == to_timezone_value:
        raise ValueError("Timezone conversions from and to the same timezones are not valid.")

    return values

validate_timezone #


Validate that the timezone is a valid timezone.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
@field_validator("from_timezone", "to_timezone")
def validate_timezone(cls, timezone_value):
    """Validate that the timezone is a valid timezone."""
    if timezone_value not in all_timezones_set:
        raise ValueError(
            "Not a valid timezone. Refer to the `TZ database name` column here: "
    return timezone_value

koheesio.spark.transformations.date_time.DateFormat #

wrapper around pyspark.sql.functions.date_format

See Also

This Transformation allows to convert a date/timestamp/string to a value of string in the format specified by the date format given.

A pattern could be for instance dd.MM.yyyy and could return a string like ‘18.03.1993’. All pattern letters of datetime pattern can be used, see:

How to use

If more than one column is passed, the behavior of the Class changes this way

  • the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns
  • the target_column will be used as a suffix. Leaving this blank will result in the original columns being renamed.
source_column value:, 1, 1)
target: "yyyyMMdd HH:mm"
output: "20200101 00:00"

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: str = Field(..., description='The format for the resulting string. See')

func #

func(column: Column) -> Column
Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
def func(self, column: Column) -> Column:
    return date_format(column, self.format)

koheesio.spark.transformations.date_time.ToTimestamp #

wrapper around pyspark.sql.functions.to_timestamp

Converts a Column (or set of Columns) into pyspark.sql.types.TimestampType using the specified format. Specify formats according to datetime pattern

Functionally equivalent to col.cast("timestamp").

See Also

Related Koheesio classes:



Basic usage example:#


"1997-02-28 10:30:00"

t is a string

tts = ToTimestamp(
    # since the source column is the same as the target in this example, 't' will be overwritten
    format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
output_df = tts.transform(input_df)


datetime.datetime(1997, 2, 28, 10, 30)

Now t is a timestamp

Multiple columns at once:#


t1 t2
"1997-02-28 10:30:00" "2007-03-31 11:40:10"

t1 and t2 are strings

tts = ToTimestamp(
    columns=["t1", "t2"],
    # 'target_suffix' is synonymous with 'target_column'
    format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
output_df = tts.transform(input_df).select("t1_new", "t2_new")


t1_new t2_new
datetime.datetime(1997, 2, 28, 10, 30) datetime.datetime(2007, 3, 31, 11, 40)

Now t1_new and t2_new are both timestamps

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: str = Field(default=..., description='The date format for of the timestamp field. See')

func #

func(column: Column) -> Column
Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
def func(self, column: Column) -> Column:
    # convert string to timestamp
    converted_col = to_timestamp(column, self.format)
    return when(column.isNull(), lit(None)).otherwise(converted_col)

koheesio.spark.transformations.date_time.change_timezone #

change_timezone(column: Union[str, Column], source_timezone: str, target_timezone: str)

Helper function to change from one timezone to another

wrapper around pyspark.sql.functions.from_utc_timestamp and to_utc_timestamp


Name Type Description Default
column Union[str, Column]

The column to change the timezone of

source_timezone str

The timezone of the source_column value. Timezone fields are validated against the TZ database name column in this list:

target_timezone str

The target timezone. Timezone fields are validated against the TZ database name column in this list:

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/date_time/
def change_timezone(column: Union[str, Column], source_timezone: str, target_timezone: str):
    """Helper function to change from one timezone to another

    wrapper around `pyspark.sql.functions.from_utc_timestamp` and `to_utc_timestamp`

    column : Union[str, Column]
        The column to change the timezone of
    source_timezone : str
        The timezone of the source_column value. Timezone fields are validated against the `TZ database name` column in
        this list:
    target_timezone : str
        The target timezone. Timezone fields are validated against the `TZ database name` column in this list:

    column = col(column) if isinstance(column, str) else column
    return from_utc_timestamp((to_utc_timestamp(column, source_timezone)), target_timezone)