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File loader

Generic file Readers for different file formats.

Supported file formats: - CSV - Parquet - Avro - JSON - ORC - Text


from koheesio.spark.readers import (

csv_reader = CsvReader(path="path/to/file.csv", header=True)
parquet_reader = ParquetReader(path="path/to/file.parquet")
avro_reader = AvroReader(path="path/to/file.avro")
json_reader = JsonReader(path="path/to/file.json")
orc_reader = OrcReader(path="path/to/file.orc")

For more information about the available options, see Spark's official documentation.

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.AvroReader #

Reads an Avro file.

This class is a convenience class that sets the format field to FileFormat.avro.

Extra parameters can be passed to the reader using the extra_params attribute or as keyword arguments.


reader = AvroReader(path="path/to/file.avro", mergeSchema=True)

Make sure to have the spark-avro package installed in your environment.

For more information about the available options, see the official documentation.

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: FileFormat = avro

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.CsvReader #

Reads a CSV file.

This class is a convenience class that sets the format field to FileFormat.csv.

Extra parameters can be passed to the reader using the extra_params attribute or as keyword arguments.


reader = CsvReader(path="path/to/file.csv", header=True)

For more information about the available options, see the official pyspark documentation and read about CSV data source.

Also see the data sources generic options.

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: FileFormat = csv

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.FileFormat #

Supported file formats.

This enum represents the supported file formats that can be used with the FileLoader class. The available file formats are: - csv: Comma-separated values format - parquet: Apache Parquet format - avro: Apache Avro format - json: JavaScript Object Notation format - orc: Apache ORC format - text: Plain text format

avro class-attribute instance-attribute #

avro = 'avro'

csv class-attribute instance-attribute #

csv = 'csv'

json class-attribute instance-attribute #

json = 'json'

orc class-attribute instance-attribute #

orc = 'orc'

parquet class-attribute instance-attribute #

parquet = 'parquet'

text class-attribute instance-attribute #

text = 'text'

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.FileLoader #

Generic file reader.

Available file formats:
- Parquet
- Avro
- Text (default)

Extra parameters can be passed to the reader using the `extra_params` attribute or as keyword arguments.

reader = FileLoader(path="path/to/textfile.txt", format="text", header=True, lineSep="

") ```

For more information about the available options, see Spark's
[official pyspark documentation](
and [read about text data source](

Also see the [data sources generic options](

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: FileFormat = Field(default=text, description='File format to read')

path class-attribute instance-attribute #

path: Union[Path, str] = Field(default=..., description='Path to the file to read')

schema_ class-attribute instance-attribute #

schema_: Optional[Union[StructType, str]] = Field(default=None, description='Schema to use when reading the file', validate_default=False, alias='schema')

ensure_path_is_str #


Ensure that the path is a string as required by Spark.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/readers/
def ensure_path_is_str(cls, v):
    """Ensure that the path is a string as required by Spark."""
    if isinstance(v, Path):
        return str(v.absolute().as_posix())
    return v

execute #


Reads the file using the specified format, schema, while applying any extra parameters.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/readers/
def execute(self):
    """Reads the file using the specified format, schema, while applying any extra parameters."""
    reader =

    if self.schema_:

    if self.extra_params:
        reader = reader.options(**self.extra_params)

    self.output.df = reader.load(self.path)

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.JsonReader #

Reads a JSON file.

This class is a convenience class that sets the format field to FileFormat.json.

Extra parameters can be passed to the reader using the extra_params attribute or as keyword arguments.


reader = JsonReader(path="path/to/file.json", allowComments=True)

For more information about the available options, see the official pyspark documentation and read about JSON data source.

Also see the data sources generic options.

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: FileFormat = json

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.OrcReader #

Reads an ORC file.

This class is a convenience class that sets the format field to FileFormat.orc.

Extra parameters can be passed to the reader using the extra_params attribute or as keyword arguments.


reader = OrcReader(path="path/to/file.orc", mergeSchema=True)

For more information about the available options, see the official documentation and read about ORC data source.

Also see the data sources generic options.

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: FileFormat = orc

koheesio.spark.readers.file_loader.ParquetReader #

Reads a Parquet file.

This class is a convenience class that sets the format field to FileFormat.parquet.

Extra parameters can be passed to the reader using the extra_params attribute or as keyword arguments.


reader = ParquetReader(path="path/to/file.parquet", mergeSchema=True)

For more information about the available options, see the official pyspark documentation and read about Parquet data source.

Also see the data sources generic options.

format class-attribute instance-attribute #

format: FileFormat = parquet