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The Context module is a part of the Koheesio framework and is primarily used for managing the environment configuration where a Task or Step runs. It helps in adapting the behavior of a Task/Step based on the environment it operates in, thereby avoiding the repetition of configuration values across different tasks.

The Context class, which is a key component of this module, functions similarly to a dictionary but with additional features. It supports operations like handling nested keys, recursive merging of contexts, and serialization/deserialization to and from various formats like JSON, YAML, and TOML.

For a comprehensive guide on the usage, examples, and additional features of the Context class, please refer to the reference/concepts/context section of the Koheesio documentation.

koheesio.context.Context #

Context(*args, **kwargs)

The Context class is a key component of the Koheesio framework, designed to manage configuration data and shared variables across tasks and steps in your application. It behaves much like a dictionary, but with added functionalities.

Key Features
  • Nested keys: Supports accessing and adding nested keys similar to dictionary keys.
  • Recursive merging: Merges two Contexts together, with the incoming Context having priority.
  • Serialization/Deserialization: Easily created from a yaml, toml, or json file, or a dictionary, and can be converted back to a dictionary.
  • Handling complex Python objects: Uses jsonpickle for serialization and deserialization of complex Python objects to and from JSON.

For a comprehensive guide on the usage, examples, and additional features of the Context class, please refer to the reference/concepts/context section of the Koheesio documentation.


Name Description

Add a key/value pair to the context.


Get value of a given key.


Acts just like .get, except that it returns the key also.


Check if the context contains a given key.


Merge this context with the context of another, where the incoming context has priority.


Returns all parameters of the context as a dict.


Creates Context object from the given dict.


Creates Context object from a given yaml file.


Creates Context object from a given json file.

Dunder methods
  • __iter__(): Allows for iteration across a Context.
  • __len__(): Returns the length of the Context.
  • __getitem__(item): Makes class subscriptable.
Inherited from Mapping
  • items(): Returns all items of the Context.
  • keys(): Returns all keys of the Context.
  • values(): Returns all values of the Context.
Source code in src/koheesio/
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Initializes the Context object with given arguments."""
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, dict):
        if isinstance(arg, Context):
            kwargs = kwargs.update(arg.to_dict())

    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        self.__dict__[key] = self.process_value(value)

add #

add(key: str, value: Any) -> Context

Add a key/value pair to the context

Source code in src/koheesio/
def add(self, key: str, value: Any) -> Context:
    """Add a key/value pair to the context"""
    self.__dict__[key] = value
    return self

contains #

contains(key: str) -> bool

Check if the context contains a given key


Name Type Description Default
key str


Type Description
Source code in src/koheesio/
def contains(self, key: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the context contains a given key

    key: str

        self.get(key, safe=False)
        return True
    except KeyError:
        return False

from_dict classmethod #

from_dict(kwargs: dict) -> Context

Creates Context object from the given dict


Name Type Description Default
kwargs dict


Type Description
Source code in src/koheesio/
def from_dict(cls, kwargs: dict) -> Context:
    """Creates Context object from the given dict

    kwargs: dict

    return cls(kwargs)

from_json classmethod #

from_json(json_file_or_str: Union[str, Path]) -> Context

Creates Context object from a given json file

Note: jsonpickle is used to serialize/deserialize the Context object. This is done to allow for objects to be stored in the Context object, which is not possible with the standard json library.

Why jsonpickle?


Data serialized with python’s pickle (or cPickle or dill) is not easily readable outside of python. Using the json format, jsonpickle allows simple data types to be stored in a human-readable format, and more complex data types such as numpy arrays and pandas dataframes, to be machine-readable on any platform that supports json.



jsonpickle should be treated the same as the Python stdlib pickle module from a security perspective.

! Warning !#

The jsonpickle module is not secure. Only unpickle data you trust. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Never unpickle data that could have come from an untrusted source, or that could have been tampered with. Consider signing data with an HMAC if you need to ensure that it has not been tampered with. Safer deserialization approaches, such as reading JSON directly, may be more appropriate if you are processing untrusted data.


Name Type Description Default
json_file_or_str Union[str, Path]

Pathlike string or Path that points to the json file or string containing json



Type Description
Source code in src/koheesio/
def from_json(cls, json_file_or_str: Union[str, Path]) -> Context:
    """Creates Context object from a given json file

    Note: jsonpickle is used to serialize/deserialize the Context object. This is done to allow for objects to be
    stored in the Context object, which is not possible with the standard json library.

    Why jsonpickle?

    > Data serialized with python’s pickle (or cPickle or dill) is not easily readable outside of python. Using the
    json format, jsonpickle allows simple data types to be stored in a human-readable format, and more complex
    data types such as numpy arrays and pandas dataframes, to be machine-readable on any platform that supports


    > jsonpickle should be treated the same as the Python stdlib pickle module from a security perspective.

    ### ! Warning !
    > The jsonpickle module is not secure. Only unpickle data you trust.
    It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling.
    Never unpickle data that could have come from an untrusted source, or that could have been tampered with.
    Consider signing data with an HMAC if you need to ensure that it has not been tampered with.
    Safer deserialization approaches, such as reading JSON directly, may be more appropriate if you are processing
    untrusted data.

    json_file_or_str : Union[str, Path]
        Pathlike string or Path that points to the json file or string containing json

    json_str = json_file_or_str

    # check if json_str is pathlike
    if (json_file := Path(json_file_or_str)).exists():
        json_str = json_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")

    json_dict = jsonpickle.loads(json_str)
    return cls.from_dict(json_dict)

from_toml classmethod #

from_toml(toml_file_or_str: Union[str, Path]) -> Context

Creates Context object from a given toml file


Name Type Description Default
toml_file_or_str Union[str, Path]

Pathlike string or Path that points to the toml file or string containing toml



Type Description
Source code in src/koheesio/
def from_toml(cls, toml_file_or_str: Union[str, Path]) -> Context:
    """Creates Context object from a given toml file

    toml_file_or_str: Union[str, Path]
        Pathlike string or Path that points to the toml file or string containing toml

    toml_str = toml_file_or_str

    # check if toml_str is pathlike
    if (toml_file := Path(toml_file_or_str)).exists():
        toml_str = toml_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")

    toml_dict = tomli.loads(toml_str)
    return cls.from_dict(toml_dict)

from_yaml classmethod #

from_yaml(yaml_file_or_str: str) -> Context

Creates Context object from a given yaml file


Name Type Description Default
yaml_file_or_str str

Pathlike string or Path that points to the yaml file, or string containing yaml



Type Description
Source code in src/koheesio/
def from_yaml(cls, yaml_file_or_str: str) -> Context:
    """Creates Context object from a given yaml file

    yaml_file_or_str: str or Path
        Pathlike string or Path that points to the yaml file, or string containing yaml

    yaml_str = yaml_file_or_str

    # check if yaml_str is pathlike
    if (yaml_file := Path(yaml_file_or_str)).exists():
        yaml_str = yaml_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")

    # Bandit: disable yaml.load warning
    yaml_dict = yaml.load(yaml_str, Loader=yaml.Loader)  # nosec B506: yaml_load

    return cls.from_dict(yaml_dict)

get #

get(key: str, default: Any = None, safe: bool = True) -> Any

Get value of a given key

The key can either be an actual key (top level) or the key of a nested value. Behaves a lot like a dict's .get() method otherwise.


Name Type Description Default
key str

Can be a real key, or can be a dotted notation of a nested key

default Any

Default value to return

safe bool

Toggles whether to fail or not when item cannot be found



Type Description

Value of the requested item


Example of a nested call:

context = Context({"a": {"b": "c", "d": "e"}, "f": "g"})

Returns c

Source code in src/koheesio/
def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None, safe: bool = True) -> Any:
    """Get value of a given key

    The key can either be an actual key (top level) or the key of a nested value.
    Behaves a lot like a dict's `.get()` method otherwise.

        Can be a real key, or can be a dotted notation of a nested key
        Default value to return
        Toggles whether to fail or not when item cannot be found

        Value of the requested item

    Example of a nested call:

    context = Context({"a": {"b": "c", "d": "e"}, "f": "g"})

    Returns `c`
        if "." not in key:
            return self.__dict__[key]

        # handle nested keys
        nested_keys = key.split(".")
        value = self  # parent object
        for k in nested_keys:
            value = value[k]  # iterate through nested values
        return value

    except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
        if not safe:
            raise KeyError(f"requested key '{key}' does not exist in {self}") from e
        return default

get_all #

get_all() -> dict

alias to to_dict()

Source code in src/koheesio/
def get_all(self) -> dict:
    """alias to to_dict()"""
    return self.to_dict()

get_item #

get_item(key: str, default: Any = None, safe: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]

Acts just like .get, except that it returns the key also


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

key/value-pair of the requested item


Example of a nested call:

context = Context({"a": {"b": "c", "d": "e"}, "f": "g"})

Returns {'a.b': 'c'}

Source code in src/koheesio/
def get_item(self, key: str, default: Any = None, safe: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Acts just like `.get`, except that it returns the key also

    Dict[str, Any]
        key/value-pair of the requested item

    Example of a nested call:

    context = Context({"a": {"b": "c", "d": "e"}, "f": "g"})

    Returns `{'a.b': 'c'}`
    value = self.get(key, default, safe)
    return {key: value}

merge #

merge(context: Context, recursive: bool = False) -> Context

Merge this context with the context of another, where the incoming context has priority.


Name Type Description Default
context Context

Another Context class

recursive bool

Recursively merge two dictionaries to an arbitrary depth



Type Description

updated context

Source code in src/koheesio/
def merge(self, context: Context, recursive: bool = False) -> Context:
    """Merge this context with the context of another, where the incoming context has priority.

    context: Context
        Another Context class
    recursive: bool
        Recursively merge two dictionaries to an arbitrary depth

        updated context
    if recursive:
        return Context.from_dict(self._recursive_merge(target_context=self, merge_context=context).to_dict())

    # just merge on the top level keys
    return Context.from_dict({**self.to_dict(), **context.to_dict()})

process_value #

process_value(value: Any) -> Any

Processes the given value, converting dictionaries to Context objects as needed.

Source code in src/koheesio/
def process_value(self, value: Any) -> Any:
    """Processes the given value, converting dictionaries to Context objects as needed."""
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return self.from_dict(value)

    if isinstance(value, (list, set)):
        return [self.from_dict(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v for v in value]

    return value

to_dict #

to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Returns all parameters of the context as a dict


Type Description

containing all parameters of the context

Source code in src/koheesio/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns all parameters of the context as a dict

        containing all parameters of the context
    result = {}

    for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
        if isinstance(value, Context):
            result[key] = value.to_dict()
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            result[key] = [e.to_dict() if isinstance(e, Context) else e for e in value]
            result[key] = value

    return result

to_json #

to_json(pretty: bool = False) -> str

Returns all parameters of the context as a json string

Note: jsonpickle is used to serialize/deserialize the Context object. This is done to allow for objects to be stored in the Context object, which is not possible with the standard json library.

Why jsonpickle?


Data serialized with python's pickle (or cPickle or dill) is not easily readable outside of python. Using the json format, jsonpickle allows simple data types to be stored in a human-readable format, and more complex data types such as numpy arrays and pandas dataframes, to be machine-readable on any platform that supports json.


Name Type Description Default
pretty bool

Toggles whether to return a pretty json string or not



Type Description

containing all parameters of the context

Source code in src/koheesio/
def to_json(self, pretty: bool = False) -> str:
    """Returns all parameters of the context as a json string

    Note: jsonpickle is used to serialize/deserialize the Context object. This is done to allow for objects to be
    stored in the Context object, which is not possible with the standard json library.

    Why jsonpickle?

    > Data serialized with python's pickle (or cPickle or dill) is not easily readable outside of python. Using the
    json format, jsonpickle allows simple data types to be stored in a human-readable format, and more complex
    data types such as numpy arrays and pandas dataframes, to be machine-readable on any platform that supports

    pretty : bool, optional, default=False
        Toggles whether to return a pretty json string or not

        containing all parameters of the context
    d = self.to_dict()
    return jsonpickle.dumps(d, indent=4) if pretty else jsonpickle.dumps(d)

to_yaml #

to_yaml(clean: bool = False) -> str

Returns all parameters of the context as a yaml string


Name Type Description Default
clean bool

Toggles whether to remove !!python/object:... from yaml or not. Default: False



Type Description

containing all parameters of the context

Source code in src/koheesio/
def to_yaml(self, clean: bool = False) -> str:
    """Returns all parameters of the context as a yaml string

    clean: bool
        Toggles whether to remove `!!python/object:...` from yaml or not.
        Default: False

        containing all parameters of the context
    # sort_keys=False to preserve order of keys
    yaml_str = yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), sort_keys=False)

    # remove `!!python/object:...` from yaml
    if clean:
        remove_pattern = re.compile(r"!!python/object:.*?\n")
        yaml_str = re.sub(remove_pattern, "\n", yaml_str)

    return yaml_str