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This module contains a few simple HTTP Steps that can be used to perform API Calls to HTTP endpoints

from koheesio.steps.http import HttpGetStep

response = HttpGetStep(url="").execute().json_payload

In the above example, the response variable will contain the JSON response from the HTTP request.

koheesio.steps.http.HttpDeleteStep #

send DELETE requests

method class-attribute instance-attribute #

method: HttpMethod = DELETE

koheesio.steps.http.HttpGetStep #

send GET requests


response = HttpGetStep(url="").execute().json_payload
In the above example, the response variable will contain the JSON response from the HTTP request.

method class-attribute instance-attribute #

method: HttpMethod = GET

koheesio.steps.http.HttpMethod #

Enumeration of allowed http methods

DELETE class-attribute instance-attribute #

DELETE = 'delete'

GET class-attribute instance-attribute #

GET = 'get'

POST class-attribute instance-attribute #

POST = 'post'

PUT class-attribute instance-attribute #

PUT = 'put'

from_string classmethod #

from_string(value: str)

Allows for getting the right Method Enum by simply passing a string value This method is not case-sensitive

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def from_string(cls, value: str):
    """Allows for getting the right Method Enum by simply passing a string value
    This method is not case-sensitive
    return getattr(cls, value.upper())

koheesio.steps.http.HttpPostStep #

send POST requests

method class-attribute instance-attribute #

method: HttpMethod = POST

koheesio.steps.http.HttpPutStep #

send PUT requests

method class-attribute instance-attribute #

method: HttpMethod = PUT

koheesio.steps.http.HttpStep #

Can be used to perform API Calls to HTTP endpoints

Understanding Retries

This class includes a built-in retry mechanism for handling temporary issues, such as network errors or server downtime, that might cause the HTTP request to fail. The retry mechanism is controlled by three parameters: max_retries, initial_delay, and backoff.

  • max_retries determines the number of retries after the initial request. For example, if max_retries is set to 4, the request will be attempted a total of 5 times (1 initial attempt + 4 retries). If max_retries is set to 0, no retries will be attempted, and the request will be tried only once.

  • initial_delay sets the waiting period before the first retry. If initial_delay is set to 3, the delay before the first retry will be 3 seconds. Changing the initial_delay value directly affects the amount of delay before each retry.

  • backoff controls the rate at which the delay increases for each subsequent retry. If backoff is set to 2 (the default), the delay will double with each retry. If backoff is set to 1, the delay between retries will remain constant. Changing the backoff value affects how quickly the delay increases.

Given the default values of max_retries=3, initial_delay=2, and backoff=2, the delays between retries would be 2 seconds, 4 seconds, and 8 seconds, respectively. This results in a total delay of 14 seconds before all retries are exhausted.

For example, if you set initial_delay=3 and backoff=2, the delays before the retries would be 3 seconds, 6 seconds, and 12 seconds. If you set initial_delay=2 and backoff=3, the delays before the retries would be 2 seconds, 6 seconds, and 18 seconds. If you set initial_delay=2 and backoff=1, the delays before the retries would be 2 seconds, 2 seconds, and 2 seconds.

data class-attribute instance-attribute #

data: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], str]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description='[Optional] Data to be sent along with the request', alias='body')

headers class-attribute instance-attribute #

headers: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, SecretStr]]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description='Request headers', alias='header')

method class-attribute instance-attribute #

method: Union[str, HttpMethod] = Field(default=GET, description="What type of Http call to perform. One of 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'. Defaults to 'get'.")

params class-attribute instance-attribute #

params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description='[Optional] Set of extra parameters that should be passed to HTTP request')

session class-attribute instance-attribute #

session: Session = Field(default_factory=Session, description='Requests session object to be used for making HTTP requests', exclude=True, repr=False)

timeout class-attribute instance-attribute #

timeout: Optional[int] = Field(default=3, description='[Optional] Request timeout')

url class-attribute instance-attribute #

url: str = Field(default=..., description='API endpoint URL', alias='uri')

Output #

Output class for HttpStep

json_payload property #


Alias for response_json

raw_payload class-attribute instance-attribute #

raw_payload: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias='response_text', description='The raw response for the request')

response_json class-attribute instance-attribute #

response_json: Optional[Union[Dict, List]] = Field(default=None, alias='json_payload', description='The JSON response for the request')

response_raw class-attribute instance-attribute #

response_raw: Optional[Response] = Field(default=None, alias='response', description='The raw requests.Response object returned by the appropriate requests.request() call')

status_code class-attribute instance-attribute #

status_code: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, description='The status return code of the request')

decode_sensitive_headers #


Authorization headers are being converted into SecretStr under the hood to avoid dumping any sensitive content into logs by the encode_sensitive_headers method.

However, when calling the get_headers method, the SecretStr should be converted back to string, otherwise sensitive info would have looked like '**********'.

This method decodes values of the headers dictionary that are of type SecretStr into plain text.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
@field_serializer("headers", when_used="json")
def decode_sensitive_headers(self, headers):
    Authorization headers are being converted into SecretStr under the hood to avoid dumping any
    sensitive content into logs by the `encode_sensitive_headers` method.

    However, when calling the `get_headers` method, the SecretStr should be converted back to
    string, otherwise sensitive info would have looked like '**********'.

    This method decodes values of the `headers` dictionary that are of type SecretStr into plain text.
    for k, v in headers.items():
        headers[k] = v.get_secret_value() if isinstance(v, SecretStr) else v
    return headers

delete #

delete() -> Response

Execute an HTTP DELETE call

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def delete(self) -> requests.Response:
    """Execute an HTTP DELETE call"""
    self.method = HttpMethod.DELETE
    return self.request()

encode_sensitive_headers #


Encode potentially sensitive data into pydantic.SecretStr class to prevent them being displayed as plain text in logs.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
@field_validator("headers", mode="before")
def encode_sensitive_headers(cls, headers):
    Encode potentially sensitive data into pydantic.SecretStr class to prevent them
    being displayed as plain text in logs.
    if auth := headers.get("Authorization"):
        headers["Authorization"] = auth if isinstance(auth, SecretStr) else SecretStr(auth)
    return headers

execute #

execute() -> Output

Executes the HTTP request.

This method simply calls self.request(), which includes the retry logic. If self.request() raises an exception, it will be propagated to the caller of this method.


Type Description
(RequestException, HTTPError)

The last exception that was caught if self.request() fails after self.max_retries attempts.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def execute(self) -> Output:
    Executes the HTTP request.

    This method simply calls `self.request()`, which includes the retry logic. If `self.request()` raises an
    exception, it will be propagated to the caller of this method.

    requests.RequestException, requests.HTTPError
        The last exception that was caught if `self.request()` fails after `self.max_retries` attempts.

get #

get() -> Response

Execute an HTTP GET call

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def get(self) -> requests.Response:
    """Execute an HTTP GET call"""
    self.method = HttpMethod.GET
    return self.request()

get_headers #


Dump headers into JSON without SecretStr masking.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def get_headers(self):
    Dump headers into JSON without SecretStr masking.
    return json.loads(self.model_dump_json()).get("headers")

get_options #


options to be passed to requests.request()

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def get_options(self):
    """options to be passed to requests.request()"""
    return {
        "url": self.url,
        "headers": self.get_headers(),
        "timeout": self.timeout,
        **self.params,  # type: ignore

get_proper_http_method_from_str_value #


Converts string value to HttpMethod enum value

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def get_proper_http_method_from_str_value(cls, method_value):
    """Converts string value to HttpMethod enum value"""
    if isinstance(method_value, str):
            method_value = HttpMethod.from_string(method_value)
        except AttributeError as e:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Only values from HttpMethod class are allowed! "
                f"Provided value: '{method_value}', allowed values: {', '.join(HttpMethod.__members__.keys())}"
            ) from e

    return method_value

post #

post() -> Response

Execute an HTTP POST call

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def post(self) -> requests.Response:
    """Execute an HTTP POST call"""
    self.method = HttpMethod.POST
    return self.request()

put #

put() -> Response

Execute an HTTP PUT call

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def put(self) -> requests.Response:
    """Execute an HTTP PUT call"""
    self.method = HttpMethod.PUT
    return self.request()

request #

request(method: Optional[HttpMethod] = None) -> Response

Executes the HTTP request with retry logic.

Actual http_method execution is abstracted into this method. This is to avoid unnecessary code duplication. Allows to centrally log, set outputs, and validated.

This method will try to execute requests.request up to self.max_retries times. If self.request() raises an exception, it logs a warning message and the error message, then waits for self.initial_delay * (self.backoff ** i) seconds before retrying. The delay increases exponentially after each failed attempt due to the self.backoff ** i term.

If self.request() still fails after self.max_retries attempts, it logs an error message and re-raises the last exception that was caught.

This is a good way to handle temporary issues that might cause self.request() to fail, such as network errors or server downtime. The exponential backoff ensures that you're not constantly bombarding a server with requests if it's struggling to respond.


Name Type Description Default
method HttpMethod

Optional parameter that allows calls to different HTTP methods and bypassing class level method parameter.



Type Description
(RequestException, HTTPError)

The last exception that was caught if requests.request() fails after self.max_retries attempts.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def request(self, method: Optional[HttpMethod] = None) -> requests.Response:
    Executes the HTTP request with retry logic.

    Actual http_method execution is abstracted into this method.
    This is to avoid unnecessary code duplication. Allows to centrally log, set outputs, and validated.

    This method will try to execute `requests.request` up to `self.max_retries` times. If `self.request()` raises
    an exception, it logs a warning message and the error message, then waits for
    `self.initial_delay * (self.backoff ** i)` seconds before retrying. The delay increases exponentially
    after each failed attempt due to the `self.backoff ** i` term.

    If `self.request()` still fails after `self.max_retries` attempts, it logs an error message and re-raises the
    last exception that was caught.

    This is a good way to handle temporary issues that might cause `self.request()` to fail, such as network errors
    or server downtime. The exponential backoff ensures that you're not constantly bombarding a server with
    requests if it's struggling to respond.

    method : HttpMethod
        Optional parameter that allows calls to different HTTP methods and bypassing class level `method`

    requests.RequestException, requests.HTTPError
        The last exception that was caught if `requests.request()` fails after `self.max_retries` attempts.
    _method = (method or self.method).value.upper()
    options = self.get_options()

    self.log.debug(f"Making {_method} request to {options['url']} with headers {options['headers']}")

    response = self.session.request(method=_method, **options)

    self.log.debug(f"Received response with status code {response.status_code} and body {response.text}")

    return response

set_outputs #


Types of response output

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def set_outputs(self, response):
    Types of response output
    self.output.response_raw = response
    self.output.raw_payload = response.text
    self.output.status_code = response.status_code

    # Only decode non empty payloads to avoid triggering decoding error unnecessarily.
    if self.output.raw_payload:
            self.output.response_json = response.json()

        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
  "An error occurred while processing the JSON payload. Error message:\n{e.msg}")

koheesio.steps.http.PaginatedHtppGetStep #

Represents a paginated HTTP GET step.


Name Type Description Default
paginate bool

Whether to paginate the API response. Defaults to False.

pages int

Number of pages to paginate. Defaults to 1.

offset int

Offset for paginated API calls. Offset determines the starting page. Defaults to 1.

limit int

Limit for paginated API calls. Defaults to 100.


limit class-attribute instance-attribute #

limit: Optional[int] = Field(default=100, description='Limit for paginated API calls. The url should (optionally) contain a named limit parameter, for example:{limit}')

offset class-attribute instance-attribute #

offset: Optional[int] = Field(default=1, description="Offset for paginated API calls. Offset determines the starting page. Defaults to 1. The url can (optionally) contain a named 'offset' parameter, for example:{offset}")

pages class-attribute instance-attribute #

pages: Optional[int] = Field(default=1, description='Number of pages to paginate. Defaults to 1')

paginate class-attribute instance-attribute #

paginate: Optional[bool] = Field(default=False, description="Whether to paginate the API response. Defaults to False. When set to True, the API response will be paginated. The url should contain a named 'page' parameter for example:{page}")

execute #

execute() -> Output

Executes the HTTP GET request and handles pagination.


Type Description

The output of the HTTP GET request.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def execute(self) -> HttpGetStep.Output:
    Executes the HTTP GET request and handles pagination.

        The output of the HTTP GET request.
    # Set up pagination parameters
    offset, pages = (self.offset, self.pages + 1) if self.paginate else (1, 1)  # type: ignore
    data = []
    _basic_url = self.url

    for page in range(offset, pages):
        if self.paginate:
  "Fetching page {page} of {pages - 1}")

        self.url = self._url(basic_url=_basic_url, page=page)

        if isinstance(self.output.response_json, list):
            data += self.output.response_json

    self.url = _basic_url
    self.output.response_json = data
    self.output.response_raw = None
    self.output.raw_payload = None
    self.output.status_code = None

get_options #


Returns the options to be passed to the requests.request() function.


Type Description

The options.

Source code in src/koheesio/steps/
def get_options(self):
    Returns the options to be passed to the requests.request() function.

        The options.
    options = {
        "url": self.url,
        "headers": self.get_headers(),
        "timeout": self.timeout,
        **self._adjust_params(),  # type: ignore

    return options