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Learn Koheesio#

Koheesio is designed to simplify the development of data engineering pipelines. It provides a structured way to define and execute data processing tasks, making it easier to build, test, and maintain complex data workflows.

Core Concepts#

Koheesio is built around several core concepts:

  • Step: The fundamental unit of work in Koheesio. It represents a single operation in a data pipeline, taking in inputs and producing outputs.

    See the Step documentation for more information.

  • Context: A configuration class used to set up the environment for a Task. It can be used to share variables across tasks and adapt the behavior of a Task based on its environment.

    See the Context documentation for more information.

  • Logger: A class for logging messages at different levels.

    See the Logger documentation for more information.

The Logger and Context classes provide support, enabling detailed logging of the pipeline's execution and customization of the pipeline's behavior based on the environment, respectively.


In the context of Koheesio, an implementation refers to a specific way of executing Steps, the fundamental units of work in Koheesio. Each implementation uses a different technology or approach to process data along with its own set of Steps, designed to work with the specific technology or approach used by the implementation.

For example, the Spark implementation includes Steps for reading data from a Spark DataFrame, transforming the data using Spark operations, and writing the data to a Spark-supported destination.

Currently, Koheesio supports two implementations: Spark, and AsyncIO.


Requires: Apache Spark (pyspark) Installation: pip install koheesio[spark] Module: koheesio.spark

This implementation uses Apache Spark, a powerful open-source unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing.

Steps that use this implementation can leverage Spark's capabilities for distributed data processing, making it suitable for handling large volumes of data. The Spark implementation includes the following types of Steps:

  • Reader:
    from koheesio.spark.readers import Reader
    A type of Step that reads data from a source and stores the result (to make it available for subsequent steps).
    For more information, see the Reader documentation.

  • Writer:
    from koheesio.spark.writers import Writer
    This controls how data is written to the output in both batch and streaming contexts.
    For more information, see the Writer documentation.

  • Transformation:
    from koheesio.spark.transformations import Transformation
    A type of Step that takes a DataFrame as input and returns a DataFrame as output. For more information, see the Transformation documentation.

In any given pipeline, you can expect to use Readers, Writers, and Transformations to express the ETL logic. Readers are responsible for extracting data from various sources, such as databases, files, or APIs. Transformations then process this data, performing operations like filtering, aggregation, or conversion. Finally, Writers handle the loading of the transformed data to the desired destination, which could be a database, a file, or a data stream.


Module: koheesio.asyncio

This implementation uses Python's asyncio library for writing single-threaded concurrent code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives. Steps that use this implementation can perform data processing tasks asynchronously, which can be beneficial for IO-bound tasks.

Best Practices#

Here are some best practices for using Koheesio:

  1. Use Context: The Context class in Koheesio is designed to behave like a dictionary, but with added features. It's a good practice to use Context to customize the behavior of a task. This allows you to share variables across tasks and adapt the behavior of a task based on its environment; for example, by changing the source or target of the data between development and production environments.

  2. Modular Design: Each step in the pipeline (reading, transformation, writing) should be encapsulated in its own class, making the code easier to understand and maintain. This also promotes re-usability as steps can be reused across different tasks.

  3. Error Handling: Koheesio provides a consistent way to handle errors and exceptions in data processing tasks. Make sure to leverage this feature to make your pipelines robust and fault-tolerant.

  4. Logging: Use the built-in logging feature in Koheesio to log information and errors in data processing tasks. This can be very helpful for debugging and monitoring the pipeline. Koheesio sets the log level to WARNING by default, but you can change it to INFO or DEBUG as needed.

  5. Testing: Each step can be tested independently, making it easier to write unit tests. It's a good practice to write tests for your steps to ensure they are working as expected.

  6. Use Transformations: The Transform class in Koheesio allows you to define transformations on your data. It's a good practice to encapsulate your transformation logic in Transform classes for better readability and maintainability.

  7. Consistent Structure: Koheesio enforces a consistent structure for data processing tasks. Stick to this structure to make your codebase easier to understand for new developers.

  8. Use Readers and Writers: Use the built-in Reader and Writer classes in Koheesio to handle data extraction and loading. This not only simplifies your code but also makes it more robust and efficient.

Remember, these are general best practices and might need to be adapted based on your specific use case and requirements.


Koheesio Steps are Pydantic models, which means they can be validated and serialized. This makes it easy to define the inputs and outputs of a Step, and to validate them before running the Step. Pydantic models also provide a consistent way to define the schema of the data that a Step expects and produces, making it easier to understand and maintain the code.

Learn more about Pydantic here.