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Python Logger Code Instructions#

Here you can find instructions on how to use the Koheesio Logging Factory.

Logging Factory#

The LoggingFactory class is a factory for creating and configuring loggers. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules:

    from koheesio.logger import LoggingFactory
  2. Initialize logging factory for koheesio modules:

    factory = LoggingFactory(name="replace_koheesio_parent_name", env="local", logger_id="your_run_id")
    # Or use default 
    factory = LoggingFactory()
    # Or just specify log level for koheesio modules
    factory = LoggingFactory(level="DEBUG")
  3. Create a logger by calling the create_logger method of the LoggingFactory class, you can inherit from koheesio logger:

    python logger = LoggingFactory.get_logger(name=factory.LOGGER_NAME) # Or for koheesio modules logger = LoggingFactory.get_logger(name=factory.LOGGER_NAME,inherit_from_koheesio=True)

  4. You can now use the logger object to log messages:

    logger.debug("Debug message")"Info message")
    logger.warning("Warning message")
    logger.error("Error message")
    logger.critical("Critical message")
  5. (Optional) You can add additional handlers to the logger by calling the add_handlers method of the LoggingFactory class:

    handlers = [
        ("your_handler_module.YourHandlerClass", {"level": "INFO"}),
        # Add more handlers if needed
  6. (Optional) You can create child loggers based on the parent logger by calling the get_logger method of the LoggingFactory class:

    child_logger = factory.get_logger(name="your_child_logger_name")
  7. (Optional) Get an independent logger without inheritance

    If you need an independent logger without inheriting from the LoggingFactory logger, you can use the get_logger method:

    your_logger = factory.get_logger(name="your_logger_name", inherit=False)

By setting inherit to False, you will obtain a logger that is not tied to the LoggingFactory logger hierarchy, only format of message will be the same, but you can also change it. This allows you to have an independent logger with its own configuration. You can use the your_logger object to log messages:

your_logger.debug("Debug message")"Info message")
your_logger.warning("Warning message")
your_logger.error("Error message")
your_logger.critical("Critical message")
  1. (Optional) You can use Masked types to masked secrets/tokens/passwords in output. The Masked types are special types provided by the koheesio library to handle sensitive data that should not be logged or printed in plain text. They are used to wrap sensitive data and override their string representation to prevent accidental exposure of the data.Here are some examples of how to use Masked types:

    import logging
    from koheesio.logger import MaskedString, MaskedInt, MaskedFloat, MaskedDict
    # Set up logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    # Using MaskedString
    masked_string = MaskedString("my secret string")  # This will not log the actual string
    # Using MaskedInt
    masked_int = MaskedInt(12345)  # This will not log the actual integer
    # Using MaskedFloat
    masked_float = MaskedFloat(3.14159)  # This will not log the actual float
    # Using MaskedDict
    masked_dict = MaskedDict({"key": "value"})  # This will not log the actual dictionary

Please make sure to replace "your_logger_name", "your_run_id", "your_handler_module.YourHandlerClass", "your_child_logger_name", and other placeholders with your own values according to your application's requirements.

By following these steps, you can obtain an independent logger without inheriting from the LoggingFactory logger. This allows you to customize the logger configuration and use it separately in your code.

Note: Ensure that you have imported the necessary modules, instantiated the LoggingFactory class, and customized the logger name and other parameters according to your application's requirements.


import logging

# Step 2: Instantiate the LoggingFactory class
factory = LoggingFactory(env="local")

# Step 3: Create an independent logger with a custom log level
your_logger = factory.get_logger("your_logger", inherit_from_koheesio=False)

# Step 4: Create a logger using the create_logger method from LoggingFactory with a different log level
factory_logger = LoggingFactory(level="WARNING").get_logger(name=factory.LOGGER_NAME)

# Step 5: Create a child logger with a debug level
child_logger = factory.get_logger(name="child")

child2_logger = factory.get_logger(name="child2")

# Step 6: Log messages at different levels for both loggers
your_logger.debug("Debug message")  # This message will be displayed"Info message")  # This message will be displayed
your_logger.warning("Warning message")  # This message will be displayed
your_logger.error("Error message")  # This message will be displayed
your_logger.critical("Critical message")  # This message will be displayed

factory_logger.debug("Debug message")  # This message will not be displayed"Info message")  # This message will not be displayed
factory_logger.warning("Warning message")  # This message will be displayed
factory_logger.error("Error message")  # This message will be displayed
factory_logger.critical("Critical message")  # This message will be displayed

child_logger.debug("Debug message")  # This message will be displayed"Info message")  # This message will be displayed
child_logger.warning("Warning message")  # This message will be displayed
child_logger.error("Error message")  # This message will be displayed
child_logger.critical("Critical message")  # This message will be displayed

child2_logger.debug("Debug message")  # This message will be displayed"Info message")  # This message will be displayed
child2_logger.warning("Warning message")  # This message will be displayed
child2_logger.error("Error message")  # This message will be displayed
child2_logger.critical("Critical message")  # This message will be displayed


[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [DEBUG] [your_logger] {<module>:118} - Debug message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [INFO] [your_logger] {<module>:119} - Info message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [WARNING] [your_logger] {<module>:120} - Warning message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [ERROR] [your_logger] {<module>:121} - Error message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [CRITICAL] [your_logger] {<module>:122} - Critical message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [WARNING] [koheesio] {<module>:126} - Warning message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [ERROR] [koheesio] {<module>:127} - Error message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [CRITICAL] [koheesio] {<module>:128} - Critical message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [DEBUG] [koheesio.child] {<module>:130} - Debug message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [INFO] [koheesio.child] {<module>:131} - Info message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [WARNING] [koheesio.child] {<module>:132} - Warning message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [ERROR] [koheesio.child] {<module>:133} - Error message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [CRITICAL] [koheesio.child] {<module>:134} - Critical message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [INFO] [koheesio.child2] {<module>:137} - Info message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [WARNING] [koheesio.child2] {<module>:138} - Warning message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [ERROR] [koheesio.child2] {<module>:139} - Error message
[a7d79f7a-f16f-4d2a-8430-1134830f61be] [2023-06-26 20:29:39,267] [CRITICAL] [koheesio.child2] {<module>:140} - Critical message

LoggerIDFilter Class#

The LoggerIDFilter class is a filter that injects run_id information into the log. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules:

    import logging
  2. Create an instance of the LoggerIDFilter class:

    logger_filter = LoggerIDFilter()
  3. Set the LOGGER_ID attribute of the LoggerIDFilter class to the desired run ID:

    LoggerIDFilter.LOGGER_ID = "your_run_id"
  4. Add the logger_filter to your logger or handler:

    logger = logging.getLogger("your_logger_name")

LoggingFactory Set Up (Optional)#

  1. Import the LoggingFactory class in your application code.

  2. Set the value for the LOGGER_FILTER variable:

  3. If you want to assign a specific logging.Filter instance, replace None with your desired filter instance.
  4. If you want to keep the default value of None, leave it unchanged.

  5. Set the value for the LOGGER_LEVEL variable:

  6. If you want to use the value from the "KOHEESIO_LOGGING_LEVEL" environment variable, leave the code as is.
  7. If you want to use a different environment variable or a specific default value, modify the code accordingly.

  8. Set the value for the LOGGER_ENV variable:

  9. Replace "local" with your desired environment name.

  10. Set the value for the LOGGER_FORMAT variable:

  11. If you want to customize the log message format, modify the value within the double quotes.
  12. The format should follow the desired log message format pattern.

  13. Set the value for the LOGGER_FORMATTER variable:

  14. If you want to assign a specific Formatter instance, replace Formatter(LOGGER_FORMAT) with your desired formatter instance.
  15. If you want to keep the default formatter with the defined log message format, leave it unchanged.

  16. Set the value for the CONSOLE_HANDLER variable:

    • If you want to assign a specific logging.Handler instance, replace None with your desired handler instance.
    • If you want to keep the default value of None, leave it unchanged.
  17. Set the value for the ENV variable:

    • Replace None with your desired environment value if applicable.
    • If you don't need to set this variable, leave it as None.
  18. Save the changes to the file.