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Simple Examples#

Creating a Custom Step#

This example demonstrates how to use the SparkStep class from the koheesio library to create a custom step named HelloWorldStep.


from koheesio.steps.step import SparkStep

class HelloWorldStep(SparkStep):
    message: str

    def execute(self) -> SparkStep.Output:
        # create a DataFrame with a single row containing the message
        self.output.df = self.spark.createDataFrame([(1, self.message)], ["id", "message"])


hello_world_step = HelloWorldStep(message="Hello, World!")

Understanding the Code#

The HelloWorldStep class is a SparkStep in Koheesio, designed to generate a DataFrame with a single row containing a custom message. Here's a more detailed overview:

  • HelloWorldStep inherits from SparkStep, a fundamental building block in Koheesio for creating data processing steps with Apache Spark.
  • It has a message attribute. When creating an instance of HelloWorldStep, you can pass a custom message that will be used in the DataFrame.
  • SparkStep has a spark attribute, which is the active SparkSession. This is the entry point for any Spark functionality, allowing the step to interact with the Spark cluster.
  • SparkStep also includes an Output class, used to store the output of the step. In this case, Output has a df attribute to store the output DataFrame.
  • The execute method creates a DataFrame with the custom message and stores it in output.df. It doesn't return a value explicitly; instead, the output DataFrame can be accessed via output.df.
  • Koheesio uses pydantic for automatic validation of the step's input and output, ensuring they are correctly defined and of the correct types.

Note: Pydantic is a data validation library that provides a way to validate that the data (in this case, the input and output of the step) conforms to the expected format.

Creating a Custom Task#

This example demonstrates how to use the EtlTask from the koheesio library to create a custom task named MyFavoriteMovieTask.


from typing import Any
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, functions as f
from koheesio.steps.transformations import Transform
from koheesio.tasks.etl_task import EtlTask

def add_column(df: DataFrame, target_column: str, value: Any):
    return df.withColumn(target_column, f.lit(value))

class MyFavoriteMovieTask(EtlTask):
    my_favorite_movie: str

    def transform(self, df: Optional[DataFrame] = None) -> DataFrame:
        df = df or self.extract()

        # pre-transformations specific to this class
        pre_transformations = [
            Transform(add_column, target_column="myFavoriteMovie", value=self.my_favorite_movie)

        # execute transformations one by one
        for t in pre_transformations:
            df = t.transform(df)

        self.output.transform_df = df
        return df


Here is the sample.yaml configuration file used in this example:

  catalog: development
  schema: my_favorite_team
  table: some_random_table
  favorite: Office Space
  - id
  - foo
  target_column: hash_uuid5
  range: 4


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from koheesio.context import Context
from koheesio.steps.readers import DummyReader
from koheesio.steps.writers.dummy import DummyWriter

context = Context.from_yaml("sample.yaml")


my_fav_mov_task = MyFavoriteMovieTask(

Understanding the Code#

This example creates a MyFavoriteMovieTask that adds a column named myFavoriteMovie to the DataFrame. The value for this column is provided when the task is instantiated.

The MyFavoriteMovieTask class is a custom task that extends the EtlTask from the koheesio library. It demonstrates how to add a custom transformation to a DataFrame. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • MyFavoriteMovieTask inherits from EtlTask, a base class in Koheesio for creating Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) tasks with Apache Spark.

  • It has a my_favorite_movie attribute. When creating an instance of MyFavoriteMovieTask, you can pass a custom movie title that will be used in the DataFrame.

  • The transform method is where the main logic of the task is implemented. It first extracts the data (if not already provided), then applies a series of transformations to the DataFrame.

  • In this case, the transformation is adding a new column to the DataFrame named myFavoriteMovie, with the value set to the my_favorite_movie attribute. This is done using the add_column function and the Transform class from Koheesio.

  • The transformed DataFrame is then stored in self.output.transform_df.

  • The sample.yaml configuration file is used to provide the context for the task, including the source data and the favorite movie title.

  • In the usage example, an instance of MyFavoriteMovieTask is created with a DummyReader as the source, a DummyWriter as the target, and the favorite movie title from the context. The task is then executed, which runs the transformations and stores the result in self.output.transform_df.