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Context in Koheesio#

In the Koheesio framework, the Context class plays a pivotal role. It serves as a flexible and powerful tool for managing configuration data and shared variables across tasks and steps in your application.

Context behaves much like a Python dictionary, but with additional features that enhance its usability and flexibility. It allows you to store and retrieve values, including complex Python objects, with ease. You can access these values using dictionary-like methods or as class attributes, providing a simple and intuitive interface.

Moreover, Context supports nested keys and recursive merging of contexts, making it a versatile tool for managing complex configurations. It also provides serialization and deserialization capabilities, allowing you to easily save and load configurations in JSON, YAML, or TOML formats.

Whether you're setting up the environment for a Task or Step, or managing variables shared across multiple tasks, Context provides a robust and efficient solution.

This document will guide you through its key features and show you how to leverage its capabilities in your Koheesio applications.

API Reference#

See API Reference for a detailed description of the Context class and its methods.

Key Features#

  • Accessing Values: Context simplifies accessing configuration values. You can access them using dictionary-like methods or as class attributes. This allows for a more intuitive interaction with the Context object. For example:

    context = Context({"bronze_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"})
    print(context.bronze_table)  # Outputs: catalog.schema.table_name
  • Nested Keys: Context supports nested keys, allowing you to access and add nested keys in a straightforward way. This is useful when dealing with complex configurations that require a hierarchical structure. For example:

    context = Context({"bronze": {"table": "catalog.schema.table_name"}})
    print(context.bronze.table)  # Outputs: catalog.schema.table_name
  • Merging Contexts: You can merge two Contexts together, with the incoming Context having priority. Recursive merging is also supported. This is particularly useful when you want to update a Context with new data without losing the existing values. For example:

    context1 = Context({"bronze_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"})
    context2 = Context({"silver_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"})
    print(context1.silver_table)  # Outputs: catalog.schema.table_name
  • Adding Keys: You can add keys to a Context by using the add method. This allows you to dynamically update the Context as needed. For example:

    context.add("silver_table", "catalog.schema.table_name")
  • Checking Key Existence: You can check if a key exists in a Context by using the contains method. This is useful when you want to ensure a key is present before attempting to access its value. For example:

    context.contains("silver_table")  # Returns: True
  • Getting Key-Value Pair: You can get a key-value pair from a Context by using the get_item method. This can be useful when you want to extract a specific piece of data from the Context. For example:

    context.get_item("silver_table")  # Returns: {"silver_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"}
  • Converting to Dictionary: You can convert a Context to a dictionary by using the to_dict method. This can be useful when you need to interact with code that expects a standard Python dictionary. For example:

    context_dict = context.to_dict()
  • Creating from Dictionary: You can create a Context from a dictionary by using the from_dict method. This allows you to easily convert existing data structures into a Context. For example:

    context = Context.from_dict({"bronze_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"})

Advantages over a Dictionary#

While a dictionary can be used to store configuration values, Context provides several advantages:

  • Support for nested keys: Unlike a standard Python dictionary, Context allows you to access nested keys as if they were attributes. This makes it easier to work with complex, hierarchical data.

  • Recursive merging of two Contexts: Context allows you to merge two Contexts together, with the incoming Context having priority. This is useful when you want to update a Context with new data without losing the existing values.

  • Accessing keys as if they were class attributes: This provides a more intuitive way to interact with the Context, as you can use dot notation to access values.

  • Code completion in IDEs: Because you can access keys as if they were attributes, IDEs can provide code completion for Context keys. This can make your coding process more efficient and less error-prone.

  • Easy creation from a YAML, JSON, or TOML file: Context provides methods to easily load data from YAML or JSON files, making it a great tool for managing configuration data.

Data Formats and Serialization#

Context leverages JSON, YAML, and TOML for serialization and deserialization. These formats are widely used in the industry and provide a balance between readability and ease of use.

  • JSON: A lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. It's widely used for APIs and web-based applications.

  • YAML: A human-friendly data serialization standard often used for configuration files. It's more readable than JSON and supports complex data structures.

  • TOML: A minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to its clear and simple syntax. It's often used for configuration files in Python applications.


In this section, we provide a variety of examples to demonstrate the capabilities of the Context class in Koheesio.

Basic Operations#

Here are some basic operations you can perform with Context. These operations form the foundation of how you interact with a Context object:

# Create a Context
context = Context({"bronze_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"})

# Access a value
value = context.bronze_table

# Add a key
context.add("silver_table", "catalog.schema.table_name")

# Merge two Contexts
context.merge(Context({"silver_table": "catalog.schema.table_name"}))

Serialization and Deserialization#

Context supports serialization and deserialization to and from JSON, YAML, and TOML formats. This allows you to easily save and load Context data:

# Load context from a JSON file
context = Context.from_json("path/to/context.json")

# Save context to a JSON file

# Load context from a YAML file
context = Context.from_yaml("path/to/context.yaml")

# Save context to a YAML file

# Load context from a TOML file
context = Context.from_toml("path/to/context.toml")

# Save context to a TOML file

Nested Keys#

Context supports nested keys, allowing you to create hierarchical configurations. This is useful when dealing with complex data structures:

# Create a Context with nested keys
context = Context({
    "database": {
        "bronze_table": "catalog.schema.bronze_table",
        "silver_table": "catalog.schema.silver_table",
        "gold_table": "catalog.schema.gold_table"

# Access a nested key
print(context.database.bronze_table)  # Outputs: catalog.schema.bronze_table

Recursive Merging#

Context also supports recursive merging, allowing you to merge two Contexts together at all levels of their hierarchy. This is particularly useful when you want to update a Context with new data without losing the existing values:

# Create two Contexts with nested keys
context1 = Context({
    "database": {
        "bronze_table": "catalog.schema.bronze_table",
        "silver_table": "catalog.schema.silver_table"

context2 = Context({
    "database": {
        "silver_table": "catalog.schema.new_silver_table",
        "gold_table": "catalog.schema.gold_table"

# Merge the two Contexts

# Print the merged Context
# Outputs: 
# {
#     "database": {
#         "bronze_table": "catalog.schema.bronze_table",
#         "silver_table": "catalog.schema.new_silver_table",
#         "gold_table": "catalog.schema.gold_table"
#     }
# }

Jsonpickle and Complex Python Objects#

The Context class in Koheesio also uses jsonpickle for serialization and deserialization of complex Python objects to and from JSON. This allows you to convert complex Python objects, including custom classes, into a format that can be easily stored and transferred.

Here's an example of how this works:

# Import necessary modules
from koheesio.context import Context

# Initialize SnowflakeReader and store in a Context
snowflake_reader = SnowflakeReader(...)  # fill in with necessary arguments
context = Context({"snowflake_reader": snowflake_reader})

# Serialize the Context to a JSON string
json_str = context.to_json()

# Print the serialized Context

# Deserialize the JSON string back into a Context
deserialized_context = Context.from_json(json_str)

# Access the deserialized SnowflakeReader
deserialized_snowflake_reader = deserialized_context.snowflake_reader

# Now you can use the deserialized SnowflakeReader as you would the original

This feature is particularly useful when you need to save the state of your application, transfer it over a network, or store it in a database. When you're ready to use the stored data, you can easily convert it back into the original Python objects.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The classes you're serializing must be importable (i.e., they must be in the Python path) when you're deserializing the JSON. jsonpickle needs to be able to import the class to reconstruct the object. This holds true for most Koheesio classes, as they are designed to be importable and reconstructible.

  2. Not all Python objects can be serialized. For example, objects that hold a reference to a file or a network connection can't be serialized because their state can't be easily captured in a static file.

  3. As mentioned in the code comments, jsonpickle is not secure against malicious data. You should only deserialize data that you trust.

So, while the Context class provides a powerful tool for handling complex Python objects, it's important to be aware of these limitations.


In this document, we've covered the key features of the Context class in the Koheesio framework, including its ability to handle complex Python objects, support for nested keys and recursive merging, and its serialization and deserialization capabilities.

Whether you're setting up the environment for a Task or Step, or managing variables shared across multiple tasks, Context provides a robust and efficient solution.

Further Reading#

For more information, you can refer to the following resources:

Refer to the API documentation for more details on the Context class and its methods.