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Transformation Module#

The Transformation module in Koheesio provides a set of classes for transforming data within a DataFrame. A Transformation is a type of SparkStep that takes a DataFrame as input, applies a transformation, and returns a DataFrame as output. The transformation logic is implemented in the execute method of each Transformation subclass.

What is a Transformation?#

A Transformation is a subclass of SparkStep that applies a transformation to a DataFrame and stores the result. The transformation could be any operation that modifies the data or structure of the DataFrame, such as adding a new column, filtering rows, or aggregating data.

Using Transformation classes ensures that data is transformed in a consistent manner across different parts of your pipeline. This can help avoid errors and make your code easier to understand and maintain.

API Reference#

See API Reference for a detailed description of the Transformation classes and their methods.

Types of Transformations#

There are three main types of transformations in Koheesio:

  1. Transformation: This is the base class for all transformations. It takes a DataFrame as input and returns a DataFrame as output. The transformation logic is implemented in the execute method.

  2. ColumnsTransformation: This is an extended Transformation class with a preset validator for handling column(s) data. It standardizes the input for a single column or multiple columns. If more than one column is passed, the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns.

  3. ColumnsTransformationWithTarget: This is an extended ColumnsTransformation class with an additional target_column field. This field can be used to store the result of the transformation in a new column. If the target_column is not provided, the result will be stored in the source column.

Each type of transformation has its own use cases and advantages. The right one to use depends on the specific requirements of your data pipeline.

How to Define a Transformation#

To define a Transformation, you create a subclass of the Transformation class and implement the execute method. The execute method should take a DataFrame from self.input.df, apply a transformation, and store the result in self.output.df.

Transformation classes abstract away some of the details of transforming data, allowing you to focus on the logic of your pipeline. This can make your code cleaner and easier to read.

Here's an example of a Transformation:

class MyTransformation(Transformation):
    def execute(self):
        # get data from self.input.df
        data = self.input.df
        # apply transformation
        transformed_data = apply_transformation(data)
        # store result in self.output.df
        self.output.df = transformed_data

In this example, MyTransformation is a subclass of Transformation that you've defined. The execute method gets the data from self.input.df, applies a transformation called apply_transformation (undefined in this example), and stores the result in self.output.df.

How to Define a ColumnsTransformation#

To define a ColumnsTransformation, you create a subclass of the ColumnsTransformation class and implement the execute method. The execute method should apply a transformation to the specified columns of the DataFrame.

ColumnsTransformation classes can be easily swapped out for different data transformations without changing the rest of your pipeline. This can make your pipeline more flexible and easier to modify or extend.

Here's an example of a ColumnsTransformation:

from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from koheesio.steps.transformations import ColumnsTransformation

class AddOne(ColumnsTransformation):
    def execute(self):
        for column in self.get_columns():
            self.output.df = self.df.withColumn(column, f.col(column) + 1)

In this example, AddOne is a subclass of ColumnsTransformation that you've defined. The execute method adds 1 to each column in self.get_columns().

The ColumnsTransformation class has a ColumnConfig class that can be used to configure the behavior of the class. This class has the following fields:

  • run_for_all_data_type: Allows to run the transformation for all columns of a given type.
  • limit_data_type: Allows to limit the transformation to a specific data type.
  • data_type_strict_mode: Toggles strict mode for data type validation. Will only work if limit_data_type is set.

Note that data types need to be specified as a SparkDatatype enum. Users should not have to interact with the ColumnConfig class directly.

How to Define a ColumnsTransformationWithTarget#

To define a ColumnsTransformationWithTarget, you create a subclass of the ColumnsTransformationWithTarget class and implement the func method. The func method should return the transformation that will be applied to the column(s). The execute method, which is already preset, will use the get_columns_with_target method to loop over all the columns and apply this function to transform the DataFrame.

Here's an example of a ColumnsTransformationWithTarget:

from pyspark.sql import Column
from koheesio.steps.transformations import ColumnsTransformationWithTarget

class AddOneWithTarget(ColumnsTransformationWithTarget):
    def func(self, col: Column):
        return col + 1

In this example, AddOneWithTarget is a subclass of ColumnsTransformationWithTarget that you've defined. The func method adds 1 to the values of a given column.

The ColumnsTransformationWithTarget class has an additional target_column field. This field can be used to store the result of the transformation in a new column. If the target_column is not provided, the result will be stored in the source column. If more than one column is passed, the target_column will be used as a suffix. Leaving this blank will result in the original columns being renamed.

The ColumnsTransformationWithTarget class also has a get_columns_with_target method. This method returns an iterator of the columns and handles the target_column as well.

Key Features of a Transformation#

  1. Execute Method: The Transformation class provides an execute method to implement in your subclass. This method should take a DataFrame from self.input.df, apply a transformation, and store the result in self.output.df.

    For ColumnsTransformation and ColumnsTransformationWithTarget, the execute method is already implemented in the base class. Instead of overriding execute, you implement a func method in your subclass. This func method should return the transformation to be applied to each column. The execute method will then apply this func to each column in a loop.

  2. DataFrame Property: The Transformation class provides a df property as a shorthand for accessing self.input.df. This property ensures that the data is ready to be transformed, even if the execute method hasn't been explicitly called. This is useful for 'early validation' of the input data.

  3. SparkSession: Every Transformation has a SparkSession available as self.spark. This is the currently active SparkSession, which can be used to perform distributed data processing tasks.

  4. Columns Property: The ColumnsTransformation and ColumnsTransformationWithTarget classes provide a columns property. This property standardizes the input for a single column or multiple columns. If more than one column is passed, the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns.

  5. Target Column Property: The ColumnsTransformationWithTarget class provides a target_column property. This field can be used to store the result of the transformation in a new column. If the target_column is not provided, the result will be stored in the source column.

Examples of Transformation Classes in Koheesio#

Koheesio provides a variety of Transformation subclasses for transforming data in different ways. Here are some examples:

  • DataframeLookup: This transformation joins two dataframes together based on a list of join mappings. It allows you to specify the join type and join hint, and it supports selecting specific target columns from the right dataframe.

    Here's an example of how to use the DataframeLookup transformation:

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    from koheesio.steps.transformations import DataframeLookup, JoinMapping, TargetColumn, JoinType
    spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
    left_df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "A"), (2, "B")], ["id", "value"])
    right_df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "A"), (3, "C")], ["id", "value"])
    lookup = DataframeLookup(
        on=JoinMapping(source_column="id", other_column="id"),
        targets=TargetColumn(target_column="value", target_column_alias="right_value"),
    output_df = lookup.execute().df
  • HashUUID5: This transformation is a subclass of Transformation and provides an interface to generate a UUID5 hash for each row in the DataFrame. The hash is generated based on the values of the specified source columns.

    Here's an example of how to use the HashUUID5 transformation:

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    from koheesio.steps.transformations import HashUUID5
    spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
    df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "A"), (2, "B")], ["id", "value"])
    hash_transform = HashUUID5(
        source_columns=["id", "value"],
    output_df = hash_transform.execute().df

In this example, HashUUID5 is a subclass of Transformation. After creating an instance of HashUUID5, you call the execute method to apply the transformation. The execute method generates a UUID5 hash for each row in the DataFrame based on the values of the id and value columns and stores the result in a new column named hash.

Benefits of using Koheesio Transformations#

Using a Koheesio Transformation over plain Spark provides several benefits:

  1. Consistency: By using Transformation classes, you ensure that data is transformed in a consistent manner across different parts of your pipeline. This can help avoid errors and make your code easier to understand and maintain.

  2. Abstraction: Transformation classes abstract away the details of transforming data, allowing you to focus on the logic of your pipeline. This can make your code cleaner and easier to read.

  3. Flexibility: Transformation classes can be easily swapped out for different data transformations without changing the rest of your pipeline. This can make your pipeline more flexible and easier to modify or extend.

  4. Early Input Validation: As a Transformation is a type of SparkStep, which in turn is a Step and a type of Pydantic BaseModel, all inputs are validated when an instance of a Transformation class is created. This early validation helps catch errors related to invalid input, such as an invalid column name, before the PySpark pipeline starts executing. This can help avoid unnecessary computation and make your data pipelines more robust and reliable.

  5. Ease of Testing: Transformation classes are designed to be easily testable. This can make it easier to write unit tests for your data pipeline, helping to ensure its correctness and reliability.

  6. Robustness: Koheesio has been extensively tested with hundreds of unit tests, ensuring that the Transformation classes work as expected under a wide range of conditions. This makes your data pipelines more robust and less likely to fail due to unexpected inputs or edge cases.

By using the concept of a Transformation, you can create data pipelines that are simple, consistent, flexible, efficient, and reliable.

Advanced Usage of Transformations#

Transformations can be combined and chained together to create complex data processing pipelines. Here's an example of how to chain transformations:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from koheesio.steps.transformations import HashUUID5
from koheesio.steps.transformations import DataframeLookup, JoinMapping, TargetColumn, JoinType

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Define two DataFrames
df1 = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "A"), (2, "B")], ["id", "value"])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "C"), (3, "D")], ["id", "value"])

# Define the first transformation
lookup = DataframeLookup(
    on=JoinMapping(source_column="id", other_column="id"),
    targets=TargetColumn(target_column="value", target_column_alias="right_value"),

# Apply the first transformation
output_df = lookup.transform(df1)

# Define the second transformation
hash_transform = HashUUID5(
    source_columns=["id", "value", "right_value"],

# Apply the second transformation
output_df2 = hash_transform.transform(output_df)

In this example, DataframeLookup is a subclass of ColumnsTransformation and HashUUID5 is a subclass of Transformation. After creating instances of DataframeLookup and HashUUID5, you call the transform method to apply each transformation. The transform method of DataframeLookup performs a left join with df2 on the id column and adds the value column from df2 to the result DataFrame as right_value. The transform method of HashUUID5 generates a UUID5 hash for each row in the DataFrame based on the values of the id, value, and right_value columns and stores the result in a new column named hash.

Troubleshooting Transformations#

If you encounter an error when using a transformation, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot:

  1. Check the Input Data: Make sure the input DataFrame to the transformation is correct. You can use the show method of the DataFrame to print the first few rows of the DataFrame.

  2. Check the Transformation Parameters: Make sure the parameters passed to the transformation are correct. For example, if you're using a DataframeLookup, make sure the join mappings and target columns are correctly specified.

  3. Check the Transformation Logic: If the input data and parameters are correct, there might be an issue with the transformation logic. You can use PySpark's logging utilities to log intermediate results and debug the transformation logic.

  4. Check the Output Data: If the transformation executes without errors but the output data is not as expected, you can use the show method of the DataFrame to print the first few rows of the output DataFrame. This can help you identify any issues with the transformation logic.


The Transformation module in Koheesio provides a powerful and flexible way to transform data in a DataFrame. By using Transformation classes, you can create data pipelines that are simple, consistent, flexible, efficient, and reliable. Whether you're performing simple transformations like adding a new column, or complex transformations like joining multiple DataFrames, the Transformation module has you covered.