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This module provides classes for asynchronous steps in the koheesio package.

koheesio.asyncio.AsyncStep #

Asynchronous step class that inherits from Step and uses the AsyncStepMetaClass metaclass.


Name Type Description
Output AsyncStepOutput

The output class for the asynchronous step.

Output #

Output class for asyncio step.

This class represents the output of the asyncio step. It inherits from the AsyncStepOutput class.

koheesio.asyncio.AsyncStepMetaClass #

Metaclass for asynchronous steps.

This metaclass is used to define asynchronous steps in the Koheesio framework. It inherits from the StepMetaClass and provides additional functionality for executing asynchronous steps.

Attributes: None

Methods: _execute_wrapper: Wrapper method for executing asynchronous steps.

koheesio.asyncio.AsyncStepOutput #

Represents the output of an asynchronous step.

This class extends the base Step.Output class and provides additional functionality for merging key-value maps.


Name Type Description


Name Description

Merge key-value map with self.

merge #

merge(other: Union[Dict, StepOutput])

Merge key,value map with self


step_output = StepOutput(foo="bar")
    {"lorem": "ipsum"}
)  # step_output will now contain {'foo': 'bar', 'lorem': 'ipsum'}

Functionally similar to adding two dicts together; like running {**dict_a, **dict_b}.


Name Type Description Default
other Union[Dict, StepOutput]

Dict or another instance of a StepOutputs class that will be added to self

Source code in src/koheesio/asyncio/
def merge(self, other: Union[Dict, StepOutput]):
    """Merge key,value map with self

    step_output = StepOutput(foo="bar")
        {"lorem": "ipsum"}
    )  # step_output will now contain {'foo': 'bar', 'lorem': 'ipsum'}

    Functionally similar to adding two dicts together; like running `{**dict_a, **dict_b}`.

    other: Union[Dict, StepOutput]
        Dict or another instance of a StepOutputs class that will be added to self
    if isinstance(other, StepOutput):
        other = other.model_dump()  # ensures we really have a dict

    if not iscoroutine(other):
        for k, v in other.items():
            self.set(k, v)

    return self