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Steps in Koheesio#

In the Koheesio framework, the Step class and its derivatives play a crucial role. They serve as the building blocks for creating data pipelines, allowing you to define custom units of logic that can be executed. This document will guide you through its key features and show you how to leverage its capabilities in your Koheesio applications.

Several type of Steps are available in Koheesio, including Reader, Transformation, Writer, and Task.

What is a Step?#

A Step is an atomic operation serving as the building block of data pipelines built with the Koheesio framework. Tasks typically consist of a series of Steps.

A step can be seen as an operation on a set of inputs, that returns a set of outputs. This does not imply that steps are stateless (e.g. data writes)! This concept is visualized in the figure below.

flowchart LR

%% Should render like this
%% ┌─────────┐        ┌──────────────────┐        ┌─────────┐
%% │ Input 1 │───────▶│                  ├───────▶│Output 1 │
%% └─────────┘        │                  │        └─────────┘
%%                    │                  │
%% ┌─────────┐        │                  │        ┌─────────┐
%% │ Input 2 │───────▶│       Step       │───────▶│Output 2 │
%% └─────────┘        │                  │        └─────────┘
%%                    │                  │
%% ┌─────────┐        │                  │        ┌─────────┐
%% │ Input 3 │───────▶│                  ├───────▶│Output 3 │
%% └─────────┘        └──────────────────┘        └─────────┘

%%   is for increasing the box size without having to mess with CSS settings

I1["Input 1"] ---> Step
I2["Input 2"] ---> Step
I3["Input 3"] ---> Step

Step ---> O1["Output 1"]
Step ---> O2["Output 2"]
Step ---> O3["Output 3"]

How to Read a Step?#

A Step in Koheesio is a class that represents a unit of work in a data pipeline. It's similar to a Python built-in data class, but with additional features for execution, validation, and logging.

When you look at a Step, you'll typically see the following components:

  1. Class Definition: The Step is defined as a class that inherits from the base Step class in Koheesio. For example, class MyStep(Step):.

  2. Input Fields: These are defined as class attributes with type annotations, similar to attributes in a Python data class. These fields represent the inputs to the Step. For example, a: str defines an input field a of type str. Additionally, you will often see these fields defined using Pydantic's Field class, which allows for more detailed validation and documentation as well as default values and aliasing.

  3. Output Fields: These are defined in a nested class called Output that inherits from StepOutput. This class represents the output of the Step. For example, class Output(StepOutput): b: str defines an output field b of type str.

  4. Execute Method: This is a method that you need to implement when you create a new Step. It contains the logic of the Step and is where you use the input fields and populate the output fields. For example, def execute(self): self.output.b = f"{self.a}-some-suffix".

Here's an example of a Step:

class MyStep(Step):
    a: str  # input

    class Output(StepOutput):  # output
        b: str

    def execute(self) -> MyStep.Output:
        self.output.b = f"{self.a}-some-suffix"

In this Step, a is an input field of type str, b is an output field of type str, and the execute method appends -some-suffix to the input a and assigns it to the output b.

When you see a Step, you can think of it as a function where the class attributes are the inputs, the Output class defines the outputs, and the execute method is the function body. The main difference is that a Step also includes automatic validation of inputs and outputs (thanks to Pydantic), logging, and error handling.

Understanding Inheritance in Steps#

Inheritance is a core concept in object-oriented programming where a class (child or subclass) inherits properties and methods from another class (parent or superclass). In the context of Koheesio, when you create a new Step, you're creating a subclass that inherits from the base Step class.

When a new Step is defined (like class MyStep(Step):), it inherits all the properties and methods from the Step class. This includes the execute method, which is then overridden to provide the specific functionality for that Step.

Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Parent Class (Superclass): This is the Step class in Koheesio. It provides the basic structure and functionalities of a Step, including input and output validation, logging, and error handling.

  2. Child Class (Subclass): This is the new Step you define, like MyStep. It inherits all the properties and methods from the Step class and can add or override them as needed.

  3. Inheritance: This is the process where MyStep inherits the properties and methods from the Step class. In Python, this is done by mentioning the parent class in parentheses when defining the child class, like class MyStep(Step):.

  4. Overriding: This is when you provide a new implementation of a method in the child class that is already defined in the parent class. In the case of Steps, you override the execute method to define the specific logic of your Step.

Understanding inheritance is key to understanding how Steps work in Koheesio. It allows you to leverage the functionalities provided by the Step class and focus on implementing the specific logic of your Step.

Benefits of Using Steps in Data Pipelines#

The concept of a Step is beneficial when creating Data Pipelines or Data Products for several reasons:

  1. Modularity: Each Step represents a self-contained unit of work, which makes the pipeline modular. This makes it easier to understand, test, and maintain the pipeline. If a problem arises, you can pinpoint which step is causing the issue.

  2. Reusability: Steps can be reused across different pipelines. Once a Step is defined, it can be used in any number of pipelines. This promotes code reuse and consistency across projects.

  3. Readability: Steps make the pipeline code more readable. Each Step has a clear input, output, and execution logic, which makes it easier to understand what each part of the pipeline is doing.

  4. Validation: Steps automatically validate their inputs and outputs. This ensures that the data flowing into and out of each step is of the expected type and format, which can help catch errors early.

  5. Logging: Steps automatically log the start and end of their execution, along with the input and output data. This can be very useful for debugging and understanding the flow of data through the pipeline.

  6. Error Handling: Steps provide built-in error handling. If an error occurs during the execution of a step, it is caught, logged, and then re-raised. This provides a clear indication of where the error occurred.

  7. Scalability: Steps can be easily parallelized or distributed, which is crucial for processing large datasets. This is especially true for steps that are designed to work with distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark.

By using the concept of a Step, you can create data pipelines that are modular, reusable, readable, and robust, while also being easier to debug and scale.

Compared to a regular Pydantic Basemodel#

A Step in Koheesio, while built on top of Pydantic's BaseModel, provides additional features specifically designed for creating data pipelines. Here are some key differences:

  1. Execution Method: A Step includes an execute method that needs to be implemented. This method contains the logic of the step and is automatically decorated with functionalities such as logging and output validation.

  2. Input and Output Validation: A Step uses Pydantic models to define and validate its inputs and outputs. This ensures that the data flowing into and out of the step is of the expected type and format.

  3. Automatic Logging: A Step automatically logs the start and end of its execution, along with the input and output data. This is done through the do_execute decorator applied to the execute method.

  4. Error Handling: A Step provides built-in error handling. If an error occurs during the execution of the step, it is caught, logged, and then re-raised. This should help in debugging and understanding the flow of data.

  5. Serialization: A Step can be serialized to a YAML string using the to_yaml method. This can be useful for saving and loading steps.

  6. Lazy Mode Support: The StepOutput class in a Step supports lazy mode, which allows validation of the items stored in the class to be called at will instead of being forced to run it upfront.

In contrast, a regular Pydantic BaseModel is a simple data validation model that doesn't include these additional features. It's used for data parsing and validation, but doesn't include methods for execution, automatic logging, error handling, or serialization to YAML.

Key Features of a Step#

Defining a Step#

To define a new step, you subclass the Step class and implement the execute method. The inputs of the step can be accessed using self.input_name. The output of the step can be accessed using self.output.output_name. For example:

class MyStep(Step):
    input1: str = Field(...)
    input2: int = Field(...)

    class Output(StepOutput):
        output1: str = Field(...)

    def execute(self):
        # Your logic here
        self.output.output1 = "result"

Running a Step#

To run a step, you can call the execute method. You can also use the run method, which is an alias to execute. For example:

step = MyStep(input1="value1", input2=2)

Accessing Step Output#

The output of a step can be accessed using self.output.output_name. For example:

step = MyStep(input1="value1", input2=2)
print(step.output.output1)  # Outputs: "result"

Serializing a Step#

You can serialize a step to a YAML string using the to_yaml method. For example:

step = MyStep(input1="value1", input2=2)
yaml_str = step.to_yaml()

Getting Step Description#

You can get the description of a step using the get_description method. For example:

step = MyStep(input1="value1", input2=2)
description = step.get_description()

Defining a Step with Multiple Inputs and Outputs#

Here's an example of how to define a new step with multiple inputs and outputs:

class MyStep(Step):
    input1: str = Field(...)
    input2: int = Field(...)
    input3: int = Field(...)

    class Output(StepOutput):
        output1: str = Field(...)
        output2: int = Field(...)

    def execute(self):
        # Your logic here
        self.output.output1 = "result"
        self.output.output2 = self.input2 + self.input3

Running a Step with Multiple Inputs#

To run a step with multiple inputs, you can do the following:

step = MyStep(input1="value1", input2=2, input3=3)

Accessing Multiple Step Outputs#

The outputs of a step can be accessed using self.output.output_name. For example:

step = MyStep(input1="value1", input2=2, input3=3)
print(step.output.output1)  # Outputs: "result"
print(step.output.output2)  # Outputs: 5

Special Features#

The Execute method#

The execute method in the Step class is automatically decorated with the StepMetaClass._execute_wrapper function due to the metaclass StepMetaClass. This provides several advantages:

  1. Automatic Output Validation: The decorator ensures that the output of the execute method is always a StepOutput instance. This means that the output is automatically validated against the defined output model, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

  2. Logging: The decorator provides automatic logging at the start and end of the execute method. This includes logging the input and output of the step, which can be useful for debugging and understanding the flow of data.

  3. Error Handling: If an error occurs during the execution of the Step, the decorator catches the exception and logs an error message before re-raising the exception. This provides a clear indication of where the error occurred.

  4. Simplifies Step Implementation: Since the decorator handles output validation, logging, and error handling, the user can focus on implementing the logic of the execute method without worrying about these aspects.

  5. Consistency: By automatically decorating the execute method, the library ensures that these features are consistently applied across all steps, regardless of who implements them or how they are used. This makes the behavior of steps predictable and consistent.

  6. Prevents Double Wrapping: The decorator checks if the function is already wrapped with StepMetaClass._execute_wrapper and prevents double wrapping. This ensures that the decorator doesn't interfere with itself if execute is overridden in subclasses.

Notice that you never have to explicitly return anything from the execute method. The StepMetaClass._execute_wrapper decorator takes care of that for you.

Implementation examples for custom metaclass which can be used to override the default behavior of the StepMetaClass._execute_wrapper:

    class MyMetaClass(StepMetaClass):
        def _log_end_message(cls, step: Step, skip_logging: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
            print("It's me from custom meta class")
            super()._log_end_message(step, skip_logging, *args, **kwargs)

    class MyMetaClass2(StepMetaClass):
        def _validate_output(cls, step: Step, skip_validating: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
            # i want always have a dummy value in the output
            step.output.dummy_value = "dummy"

    class YourClassWithCustomMeta(Step, metaclass=MyMetaClass):
        def execute(self):
  "This is from the execute method of {self.__class__.__name__}")

    class YourClassWithCustomMeta2(Step, metaclass=MyMetaClass2):
        def execute(self):
  "This is from the execute method of {self.__class__.__name__}")


The SparkStep class is a subclass of Step that is designed for steps that interact with Spark. It extends the Step class with SparkSession support. Spark steps are expected to return a Spark DataFrame as output. The spark property is available to access the active SparkSession instance. Output in a SparkStep is expected to be a DataFrame although optional.

Using a SparkStep#

Here's an example of how to use a SparkStep:

class MySparkStep(SparkStep):
    input1: str = Field(...)

    class Output(StepOutput):
        output1: DataFrame = Field(...)

    def execute(self):
        # Your logic here
        df =
        self.output.output1 = df

To run a SparkStep, you can do the following:

step = MySparkStep(input1="path/to/textfile")

To access the output of a SparkStep, you can do the following:

step = MySparkStep(input1="path/to/textfile")
df = step.output.output1


In this document, we've covered the key features of the Step class in the Koheesio framework, including its ability to define custom units of logic, manage inputs and outputs, and support for serialization. The automatic decoration of the execute method provides several advantages that simplify step implementation and ensure consistency across all steps.

Whether you're defining a new operation in your data pipeline or managing the flow of data between steps, Step provides a robust and efficient solution.

Further Reading#

For more information, you can refer to the following resources:

Refer to the API documentation for more details on the Step class and its methods.