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Date time

Utility functions related to date and time operations

koheesio.utils.date_time.extract_dt_interval module-attribute #

extract_dt_interval = compile(
    "\n    (?P<years>\\d+)\\s+years?\\s*|\n    (?P<months>\\d+)\\s+months?\\s*|\n    (?P<weeks>\\d+)\\s+weeks?\\s*|\n    (?P<days>\\d+)\\s+days?\\s*|\n    (?P<hours>\\d+)\\s+hours?\\s*|\n    (?P<minutes>\\d+)\\s+(?:minutes?|mins?)\\s*|\n    (?P<seconds>\\d+)\\s+(?:seconds?|secs?)\\s*|\n    (?P<milliseconds>\\d+)\\s+(?:milliseconds?|millis?)\\s*|\n    (?P<microseconds>\\d+)\\s+(?:microseconds?|micros?)\\s*\n",

koheesio.utils.date_time.DTInterval #

A class to define date and time intervals using human-readable strings or individual time components.


Name Type Description Default
interval str

A human-readable string specifying the duration of the interval, broken down into years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and microseconds.

years int

Number of years in the interval.

months int

Number of months in the interval.

weeks int

Number of weeks in the interval.

days int

Number of days in the interval.

hours int

Number of hours in the interval.

minutes int

Number of minutes in the interval.

seconds int

Number of seconds in the interval.

milliseconds int

Number of milliseconds in the interval.

microseconds int

Number of microseconds in the interval.



Creating an instance with time components:

print(DTInterval(years=2, weeks=3, hours=12).to_timedelta)
751 days, 12:00:00

Creating an instance from a string:

        interval="1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 100 minutes 200 seconds 300 milliseconds 400 microseconds"
451 days, 6:43:20.300400


Name Description

Converts the DTInterval instance to a timedelta object, aggregating all specified time components.

days class-attribute instance-attribute #

days: Optional[int] = 0

hours class-attribute instance-attribute #

hours: Optional[int] = 0

interval class-attribute instance-attribute #

interval: Optional[str] = None

microseconds class-attribute instance-attribute #

microseconds: Optional[int] = 0

milliseconds class-attribute instance-attribute #

milliseconds: Optional[int] = 0

minutes class-attribute instance-attribute #

minutes: Optional[int] = 0

months class-attribute instance-attribute #

months: Optional[int] = 0

seconds class-attribute instance-attribute #

seconds: Optional[int] = 0

to_timedelta property #

to_timedelta: timedelta

Returns the object as a timedelta object

weeks class-attribute instance-attribute #

weeks: Optional[int] = 0

years class-attribute instance-attribute #

years: Optional[int] = 0

calculate_days #

calculate_days() -> DTInterval

Years and months are not supported in timedelta, so we need to convert them to days

Source code in src/koheesio/utils/
def calculate_days(self) -> "DTInterval":
    """Years and months are not supported in timedelta, so we need to convert them to days"""
    if self.years or self.months:
        year_month_days = int(self.years * 365.25 + self.months * 30.44)  # average year length
        self.days += year_month_days
        self.years = 0
        self.months = 0
    return self

process_interval #

process_interval(values: dict) -> dict

Processes the input interval string and extracts the time components

Source code in src/koheesio/utils/
def process_interval(cls, values: dict) -> dict:
    """Processes the input interval string and extracts the time components"""
    if interval_value := values.get("interval"):
        matches = extract_dt_interval.finditer(interval_value)

        # update values with the extracted values
        for match in matches:
            for key, value in match.groupdict().items():
                if value:
                    values[key] = int(value)
    return values