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Repartition Transformation

koheesio.spark.transformations.repartition.Repartition #

Wrapper around DataFrame.repartition

With repartition, the number of partitions can be given as an optional value. If this is not provided, a default value is used. The default number of partitions is defined by the spark config 'spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', for which the default value is 200 and will never exceed the number of rows in the DataFrame (whichever is value is lower).

If columns are omitted, the entire DataFrame is repartitioned without considering the particular values in the columns.


Name Type Description Default
columns Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]

Name of the source column(s). If omitted, the entire DataFrame is repartitioned without considering the particular values in the columns. Alias: column

num_partitions Optional[int]

The number of partitions to repartition to. If omitted, the default number of partitions is used as defined by the spark config 'spark.sql.shuffle.partitions'.

    column=["c1", "c2"], num_partitions=3
)  # results in 3 partitions
Repartition(column="c1", num_partitions=2)  # results in 2 partitions
Repartition(column=["c1", "c2"])  # results in <= 200 partitions
Repartition(num_partitions=5)  # results in 5 partitions

columns class-attribute instance-attribute #

columns: Optional[ListOfColumns] = Field(
    description="Name of the source column(s)",

num_partitions class-attribute instance-attribute #

num_partitions: Optional[int] = Field(
    description="The number of partitions to repartition to. If omitted, the default number of partitions is used as defined by the spark config 'spark.sql.shuffle.partitions'.",

execute #

execute() -> Output
Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def execute(self) -> ColumnsTransformation.Output:
    # Prepare columns input:
    columns = self.df.columns if self.columns == ["*"] else self.columns
    # Prepare repartition input:
    #  num_partitions comes first, but if it is not provided it should not be included as None.
    repartition_inputs = [i for i in [self.num_partitions, *columns] if i]  # type: ignore
    self.output.df = self.df.repartition(*repartition_inputs)