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This module contains the base classes for all transformations.

See class docstrings for more information.


For a comprehensive guide on the usage, examples, and additional features of Transformation classes, please refer to the reference/concepts/spark/transformations section of the Koheesio documentation.


Name Description

Base class for all transformations


Extended Transformation class with a preset validator for handling column(s) data


Extended ColumnsTransformation class with an additional target_column field

koheesio.spark.transformations.ColumnsTransformation #

Extended Transformation class with a preset validator for handling column(s) data with a standardized input for a single column or multiple columns.


A ColumnsTransformation is a Transformation with a standardized input for column or columns.

  • columns are stored as a list
  • either a single string, or a list of strings can be passed to enter the columns
  • column and columns are aliases to one another - internally the name columns should be used though.

If more than one column is passed, the behavior of the Class changes this way:

  • the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns
Configuring the ColumnsTransformation

The ColumnsTransformation class has a ColumnConfig class that can be used to configure the behavior of the class. Users should not have to interact with the ColumnConfig class directly.

This class has the following fields:

  • run_for_all_data_type allows to run the transformation for all columns of a given type.

  • limit_data_type allows to limit the transformation to a specific data type.

  • data_type_strict_mode Toggles strict mode for data type validation. Will only work if limit_data_type is set.

Data types need to be specified as a SparkDatatype enum.

- See the docstrings of the ColumnConfig class for more information.
- See the SparkDatatype enum for a list of available data types.


Implementing a transformation using the ColumnsTransformation class:

from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from koheesio.steps.transformations import ColumnsTransformation

class AddOne(ColumnsTransformation):
    def execute(self):
        for column in self.get_columns():
            self.output.df = self.df.withColumn(
                column, f.col(column) + 1

In the above example, the execute method is implemented to add 1 to the values of a given column.


Name Type Description Default
columns ListOfColumns

The column (or list of columns) to apply the transformation to. Alias: column


columns class-attribute instance-attribute #

columns: ListOfColumns = Field(
    description="The column (or list of columns) to apply the transformation to. Alias: column",

data_type_strict_mode_is_set property #

data_type_strict_mode_is_set: bool

Returns True if data_type_strict_mode is set

limit_data_type_is_set classmethod property #

limit_data_type_is_set: bool

Returns True if limit_data_type is set

run_for_all_is_set classmethod property #

run_for_all_is_set: bool

Returns True if the transformation should be run for all columns of a given type

ColumnConfig #

Koheesio ColumnsTransformation specific Config


Name Type Description Default
run_for_all_data_type Optional[List[SparkDatatype]]

allows to run the transformation for all columns of a given type. A user can trigger this behavior by either omitting the columns parameter or by passing a single * as a column name. In both cases, the run_for_all_data_type will be used to determine the data type. Value should be passed as a SparkDatatype enum. (default: [None])

limit_data_type Optional[List[SparkDatatype]]

allows to limit the transformation to a specific data type. Value should be passed as a SparkDatatype enum. (default: [None])

data_type_strict_mode bool

Toggles strict mode for data type validation. Will only work if limit_data_type is set. - when True, a ValueError will be raised if any column does not adhere to the limit_data_type - when False, a warning will be thrown and the column will be skipped instead (default: False)


data_type_strict_mode class-attribute instance-attribute #

data_type_strict_mode: bool = False

limit_data_type class-attribute instance-attribute #

limit_data_type: Optional[List[SparkDatatype]] = None

run_for_all_data_type class-attribute instance-attribute #

run_for_all_data_type: Optional[List[SparkDatatype]] = None

column_type_of_col #

    col: Union[Column, str],
    df: Optional[DataFrame] = None,
    simple_return_mode: bool = True,
) -> Union[DataType, str]

Returns the dataType of a Column object as a string.

The Column object does not have a type attribute, so we have to ask the DataFrame its schema and find the type based on the column name. We retrieve the name of the column from the Column object by calling toString() from the JVM.


input_df: | str_column | int_column | |------------|------------| | hello | 1 | | world | 2 |

# using the AddOne transformation from the example above
add_one = AddOne(
    columns=["str_column", "int_column"],
add_one.column_type_of_col("str_column")  # returns "string"
add_one.column_type_of_col("int_column")  # returns "integer"
# returns IntegerType
add_one.column_type_of_col("int_column", simple_return_mode=False)


Name Type Description Default
col Union[str, Column]

The column to check the type of

df Optional[DataFrame]

The DataFrame belonging to the column. If not provided, the DataFrame passed to the constructor will be used.

simple_return_mode bool

If True, the return value will be a simple string. If False, the return value will be a SparkDatatype enum.



Name Type Description
datatype str

The type of the column as a string

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def column_type_of_col(
    col: Union[Column, str],
    df: Optional[DataFrame] = None,
    simple_return_mode: bool = True,
) -> Union[DataType, str]:
    Returns the dataType of a Column object as a string.

    The Column object does not have a type attribute, so we have to ask the DataFrame its schema and find the type
    based on the column name. We retrieve the name of the column from the Column object by calling toString() from
    the JVM.

    | str_column | int_column |
    | hello      | 1          |
    | world      | 2          |

    # using the AddOne transformation from the example above
    add_one = AddOne(
        columns=["str_column", "int_column"],
    add_one.column_type_of_col("str_column")  # returns "string"
    add_one.column_type_of_col("int_column")  # returns "integer"
    # returns IntegerType
    add_one.column_type_of_col("int_column", simple_return_mode=False)

    col : Union[str, Column]
        The column to check the type of

    df : Optional[DataFrame]
        The DataFrame belonging to the column. If not provided, the DataFrame passed to the constructor will be

    simple_return_mode : bool, default=True
        If True, the return value will be a simple string. If False, the return value will be a SparkDatatype enum.

    datatype: str
        The type of the column as a string
    df = df or self.df
    if not df:
        raise RuntimeError("No valid Dataframe was passed")

    # ensure that the column is a Column object
    if not isinstance(col, Column):  # type:ignore[misc, arg-type]
        col = f.col(col)  # type:ignore[arg-type]
    col_name = get_column_name(col)

    # In order to check the datatype of the column, we have to ask the DataFrame its schema
    df_col = next((c for c in df.schema if == col_name), None)

    # Check if the column exists in the DataFrame schema
    if df_col is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Column '{col_name}' does not exist in the DataFrame schema")

    if simple_return_mode:
        return SparkDatatype(df_col.dataType.typeName()).value

    return df_col.dataType

get_all_columns_of_specific_type #

    data_type: Union[str, SparkDatatype],
) -> List[str]

Get all columns from the dataframe of a given type

A DataFrame needs to be available in order to get the columns. If no DataFrame is available, a ValueError will be raised.

Note: only one data type can be passed to this method. If you want to get columns of multiple data types, you have to call this method multiple times.


Name Type Description Default
data_type Union[str, SparkDatatype]

The data type to get the columns for



Type Description

A list of column names of the given data type

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def get_all_columns_of_specific_type(self, data_type: Union[str, SparkDatatype]) -> List[str]:
    """Get all columns from the dataframe of a given type

    A DataFrame needs to be available in order to get the columns. If no DataFrame is available, a ValueError will
    be raised.

    Note: only one data type can be passed to this method. If you want to get columns of multiple data types, you
    have to call this method multiple times.

    data_type : Union[str, SparkDatatype]
        The data type to get the columns for

        A list of column names of the given data type
    if not self.df:
        raise ValueError("No dataframe available - cannot get columns")

    expected_data_type = (SparkDatatype.from_string(data_type) if isinstance(data_type, str) else data_type).value

    columns_of_given_type: List[str] = [
        col for col in self.df.columns if self.df.schema[col].dataType.typeName() == expected_data_type

    if not columns_of_given_type:
        self.log.warning(f"No columns of type '{expected_data_type}' found in the DataFrame")

    return columns_of_given_type

get_columns #

get_columns() -> Iterator[str]

Return an iterator of the columns

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def get_columns(self) -> Iterator[str]:
    """Return an iterator of the columns"""
    columns = self.columns or self.df.columns

    # If `run_for_all_is_set` to True, we want to run the transformation for all columns of a given type,
    # unless the user has specified specific columns
    if self.run_for_all_is_set and (not columns or columns[0] == "*"):
        columns = [
            for data_type in self.ColumnConfig.run_for_all_data_type  # type: ignore
            for col in self.get_all_columns_of_specific_type(data_type)

    for column in columns:
        if self.is_column_type_correct(column):
            yield column

get_limit_data_types #

get_limit_data_types() -> list

Get the limit_data_type as a list of strings

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def get_limit_data_types(self) -> list:
    """Get the limit_data_type as a list of strings"""
    return [dt.value for dt in self.ColumnConfig.limit_data_type]  # type: ignore

is_column_type_correct #

is_column_type_correct(column: Union[Column, str]) -> bool

Check if column type is correct and handle it if not, when limit_data_type is set

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def is_column_type_correct(self, column: Union[Column, str]) -> bool:
    """Check if column type is correct and handle it if not, when limit_data_type is set"""
    if not self.limit_data_type_is_set:
        return True

    if self.column_type_of_col(column) in (limit_data_types := self.get_limit_data_types()):
        return True

    # Raises a ValueError if the Column object is not of a given type and data_type_strict_mode is set
    if self.data_type_strict_mode_is_set:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Critical error: {column} is not of type {limit_data_types}. Exception is raised because "
            f"`data_type_strict_mode` is set to True for {}."

    # Otherwise, throws a warning that the Column object is not of a given type
    self.log.warning(f"Column `{column}` is not of type `{limit_data_types}` and will be skipped.")
    return False

set_columns #

set_columns() -> ColumnsTransformation

Validate columns through the columns configuration provided

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def set_columns(self) -> "ColumnsTransformation":
    """Validate columns through the columns configuration provided"""
    columns = self.columns

    if len(columns) == 0:
        if self.run_for_all_is_set:
            columns = ["*"]
        if columns[0] == "*" and not self.run_for_all_is_set:
            raise ValueError("Cannot use '*' as a column name when no run_for_all_data_type is set")

    self.columns = columns
    return self

koheesio.spark.transformations.ColumnsTransformationWithTarget #

Extended ColumnsTransformation class with an additional target_column field

Using this class makes implementing Transformations significantly easier.


A ColumnsTransformationWithTarget is a ColumnsTransformation with an additional target_column field. This field can be used to store the result of the transformation in a new column.

If the target_column is not provided, the result will be stored in the source column.

If more than one column is passed, the behavior of the Class changes this way:

  • the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns
  • automatically handles the renaming of the columns when more than one column is passed
  • the target_column will be used as a suffix. Leaving this blank will result in the original columns being renamed

The func method should be implemented in the child class. This method should return the transformation that will be applied to the column(s). The execute method (already preset) will use the get_columns_with_target method to loop over all the columns and apply this function to transform the DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
columns ListOfColumns

The column (or list of columns) to apply the transformation to. Alias: column. If not provided, the run_for_all_data_type will be used to determine the data type. If run_for_all_data_type is not set, the transformation will be run for all columns of a given type.

target_column Optional[str]

The name of the column to store the result in. If not provided, the result will be stored in the source column. Alias: target_suffix - if multiple columns are given as source, this input will be used as a suffix instead.


Writing your own transformation using the ColumnsTransformationWithTarget class:

from pyspark.sql import Column
from koheesio.steps.transformations import (

class AddOneWithTarget(ColumnsTransformationWithTarget):
    def func(self, col: Column):
        return col + 1

In the above example, the func method is implemented to add 1 to the values of a given column.

In order to use this transformation, we can call the transform method:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# create a DataFrame with 3 rows
df = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate().range(3)

output_df = AddOneWithTarget(
    column="id", target_column="new_id"

The output_df will now contain the original DataFrame with an additional column called new_id with the values of id + 1.


id new_id
0 1
1 2
2 3

Note: The target_column will be used as a suffix when more than one column is given as source. Leaving this blank will result in the original columns being renamed.

target_column class-attribute instance-attribute #

target_column: Optional[str] = Field(
    description="The column to store the result in. If not provided, the result will be stored in the sourcecolumn. Alias: target_suffix - if multiple columns are given as source, this will be used as a suffix",

execute #

execute() -> None

Execute on a ColumnsTransformationWithTarget handles self.df (input) and set self.output.df (output) This can be left unchanged, and hence should not be implemented in the child class.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def execute(self) -> None:
    """Execute on a ColumnsTransformationWithTarget handles self.df (input) and set self.output.df (output)
    This can be left unchanged, and hence should not be implemented in the child class.
    df = self.df

    for target_column, column in self.get_columns_with_target():
        func = self.func  # select the applicable function
        df = df.withColumn(
            func(f.col(column)),  # type:ignore[arg-type]

    self.output.df = df

func abstractmethod #

func(column: Column) -> Column

The function that will be run on a single Column of the DataFrame

The func method should be implemented in the child class. This method should return the transformation that will be applied to the column(s). The execute method (already preset) will use the get_columns_with_target method to loop over all the columns and apply this function to transform the DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
column Column

The column to apply the transformation to



Type Description

The transformed column

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def func(self, column: Column) -> Column:
    """The function that will be run on a single Column of the DataFrame

    The `func` method should be implemented in the child class. This method should return the transformation that
    will be applied to the column(s). The execute method (already preset) will use the `get_columns_with_target`
    method to loop over all the columns and apply this function to transform the DataFrame.

    column : Column
        The column to apply the transformation to

        The transformed column
    raise NotImplementedError

get_columns_with_target #

get_columns_with_target() -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]

Return an iterator of the columns

Works just like in get_columns from the ColumnsTransformation class except that it handles the target_column as well.

If more than one column is passed, the behavior of the Class changes this way: - the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns - the target_column will be used as a suffix. Leaving this blank will result in the original columns being renamed.


Type Description

An iterator of tuples containing the target column name and the original column name

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def get_columns_with_target(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
    """Return an iterator of the columns

    Works just like in get_columns from the  ColumnsTransformation class except that it handles the `target_column`
    as well.

    If more than one column is passed, the behavior of the Class changes this way:
    - the transformation will be run in a loop against all the given columns
    - the target_column will be used as a suffix. Leaving this blank will result in the original columns being

        An iterator of tuples containing the target column name and the original column name
    columns = [*self.get_columns()]

    for column in columns:
        # ensures that we at least use the original column name
        target_column = self.target_column or column

        if len(columns) > 1:  # target_column becomes a suffix when more than 1 column is given
            # dict.fromkeys is used to avoid duplicates in the name while maintaining order
            _cols = [column, target_column]
            target_column = "_".join(list(dict.fromkeys(_cols)))

        yield target_column, column

koheesio.spark.transformations.Transformation #

Base class for all transformations


A Transformation is a Step that takes a DataFrame as input and returns a DataFrame as output. The DataFrame is transformed based on the logic implemented in the execute method. Any additional parameters that are needed for the transformation can be passed to the constructor.


Name Type Description Default
df Optional[DataFrame]

The DataFrame to apply the transformation to. If not provided, the DataFrame has to be passed to the transform-method.

Implementing a transformation using the Transformation class:#
from koheesio.steps.transformations import Transformation
from pyspark.sql import functions as f

class AddOne(Transformation):
    target_column: str = "new_column"

    def execute(self):
        self.output.df = self.df.withColumn(
            self.target_column, f.col("old_column") + 1

In the example above, the execute method is implemented to add 1 to the values of the old_column and store the result in a new column called new_column.

Using the transformation:#

In order to use this transformation, we can call the transform method:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# create a DataFrame with 3 rows
df = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate().range(3)

output_df = AddOne().transform(df)

The output_df will now contain the original DataFrame with an additional column called new_column with the values of old_column + 1.


id new_column
0 1
1 2
2 3
Alternative ways to use the transformation:#

Alternatively, we can pass the DataFrame to the constructor and call the execute or transform method without any arguments:

output_df = AddOne(df).transform()
# or
output_df = AddOne(df).execute().output.df

Note: that the transform method was not implemented explicitly in the AddOne class. This is because the transform method is already implemented in the Transformation class. This means that all classes that inherit from the Transformation class will have the transform method available. Only the execute method needs to be implemented.

Using the transformation as a function:#

The transformation can also be used as a function as part of a DataFrame's transform method:

input_df = spark.range(3)

output_df = input_df.transform(AddOne(target_column="foo")).transform(

In the above example, the AddOne transformation is applied to the input_df DataFrame using the transform method. The output_df will now contain the original DataFrame with an additional columns called foo and bar', each with the values ofid` + 1.

df class-attribute instance-attribute #

df: Optional[DataFrame] = Field(
    default=None, description="The Spark DataFrame"

execute abstractmethod #

execute() -> Output

Execute on a Transformation should handle self.df (input) and set self.output.df (output)

This method should be implemented in the child class. The input DataFrame is available as self.df and the output DataFrame should be stored in self.output.df.

For example:

def execute(self):
    self.output.df = self.df.withColumn(
        "new_column", f.col("old_column") + 1

The transform method will call this method and return the output DataFrame.

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def execute(self) -> SparkStep.Output:
    """Execute on a Transformation should handle self.df (input) and set self.output.df (output)

    This method should be implemented in the child class. The input DataFrame is available as `self.df` and the
    output DataFrame should be stored in `self.output.df`.

    For example:
    def execute(self):
        self.output.df = self.df.withColumn(
            "new_column", f.col("old_column") + 1

    The transform method will call this method and return the output DataFrame.
    # self.df  # input dataframe
    # self.output.df # output dataframe
    self.output.df = ...  # implement the transformation logic
    raise NotImplementedError

transform #

transform(df: Optional[DataFrame] = None) -> DataFrame

Execute the transformation and return the output DataFrame

Note: when creating a child from this, don't implement this transform method. Instead, implement execute!

See Also



Name Type Description Default
df Optional[DataFrame]

The DataFrame to apply the transformation to. If not provided, the DataFrame passed to the constructor will be used.



Type Description

The transformed DataFrame

Source code in src/koheesio/spark/transformations/
def transform(self, df: Optional[DataFrame] = None) -> DataFrame:
    """Execute the transformation and return the output DataFrame

    Note: when creating a child from this, don't implement this transform method. Instead, implement execute!

    See Also

    df: Optional[DataFrame]
        The DataFrame to apply the transformation to. If not provided, the DataFrame passed to the constructor
        will be used.

        The transformed DataFrame
    self.df = df or self.df
    if not self.df:
        raise RuntimeError("No valid Dataframe was passed")
    return self.output.df