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Configure Rules

Configure Rules in the catalog.schema.{product}_rules

Please find the data set which used for the data quality rules setup order.csv

Example Of Row, Aggregation And Query Rules For Data Quality

To perform row data quality checks for artificially order table, please set up rules using the specified format

insert into `catalog`.`schema`.`{product}_rules` (product_id, table_name, rule_type, rule, column_name, expectation, 
action_if_failed, tag, description, enable_for_source_dq_validation,  enable_for_target_dq_validation, is_active, enable_error_drop_alert, error_drop_threshold ,query_dq_delimiter,enable_querydq_custom_output) values

--The row data quality has been set on customer_id when customer_id is null, drop respective row into error table 
--as "action_if_failed" tagged "drop"
('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order',  'row_dq', 'customer_id_is_not_null', 'customer_id', 
'customer_id is not null','drop', 'validity', 'customer_id should not be null', false, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The row data quality has been set on sales when sales is less than zero, drop respective row into error table as 
--'action_if_failed' tagged "drop"
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'row_dq', 'sales_greater_than_zero', 'sales', 'sales > 0', 
'drop', 'accuracy', 'sales value should be greater than zero', false, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The row data quality has been set on discount when discount is less than 60, drop respective row into error table
--and final table  as "action_if_failed" tagged 'ignore'
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'row_dq', 'discount_threshold', 'discount', 'discount*100 < 60',
'ignore', 'validity', 'discount should be less than 40', false, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The row data quality has been set on ship_mode when ship_mode not in ("second class", "standard class", 
--"standard class"), drop respective row into error table and fail the framework  as "action_if_failed" tagged "fail"
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'row_dq', 'ship_mode_in_set', 'ship_mode', 'lower(trim(ship_mode))
in('second class', 'standard class', 'standard class')', 'fail', 'validity', 'ship_mode mode belongs in the sets',
false, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The row data quality has been set on profit when profit is less than or equals to 0, drop respective row into 
--error table and final table as "action_if_failed" tagged "ignore"
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'row_dq', 'profit_threshold', 'profit', 'profit>0', 'ignore', 
'validity', 'profit threshold should be greater than 0', false, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The rule has been established to identify and remove completely identical records in which rows repeat with the 
--same value more than once, while keeping one instance of the row. Any additional duplicated rows will be dropped 
--into error table as action_if_failed set to "drop"
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'row_dq', 'complete_duplicate', 'All', 'row_number() 
 over(partition by customer_id, order_id order by 1)=1', 'drop', 'uniqueness', 'drop complete duplicate records', 
 false, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

Please set up rules for checking the quality of the columns in the artificial order table, using the specified format

insert into `catalog`.`schema`.`{product}_rules` (product_id, table_name, rule_type, rule, column_name, expectation, 
action_if_failed, tag, description,  enable_for_source_dq_validation,  enable_for_target_dq_validation, is_active, enable_error_drop_alert, error_drop_threshold ,query_dq_delimiter,enable_querydq_custom_output) values

--The aggregation rule is established on the 'sales' column and the metadata of the rule will be captured in the 
--statistics table when the sum of the sales values falls below 10000
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'agg_dq', 'sum_of_sales', 'sales', 'sum(sales)>10000', 'ignore', 
'validity', 'sum of sales must be greater than 10000',  true, true, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The aggregation rule is established on the 'sales' column and the metadata of the rule will be captured in the 
--statistics table when the sum of the sales values falls between 1000 and 10000
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'agg_dq', 'sum_of_sales_range_type1', 'sales', 'sum(sales) between 1000 and 10000', 'ignore', 
'validity', 'sum of sales must be between 1000 and 1000',  true, true, true)

--The aggregation rule is established on the 'sales' column and the metadata of the rule will be captured in the 
--statistics table when the sum of the sales value is greater than 1000 and less than 10000
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'agg_dq', 'sum_of_sales_range_type2', 'sales', 'sum(sales)>1000 and sum(sales)<10000', 'ignore', 'validity', 'sum of sales must be greater than 1000 and less than 10000',  true, true, true)

--The aggregation rule is established on the 'ship_mode' column and the metadata of the rule will be captured in 
--the statistics table when distinct ship_mode greater than 3 and enabled for only source data set
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'agg_dq', 'distinct_of_ship_mode', 'ship_mode', 
'count(distinct ship_mode)<=3', 'ignore', 'validity', 'regex format validation for quantity', true, false, true,false, 0,null, null)

-- The aggregation rule is established on the table count and the metadata of the rule will be captured in the 
--statistics table when distinct count greater than 10000 and fails the job as "action_if_failed" set to "fail" 
--and enabled only for validated dataset
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`..customer_order', 'agg_dq', 'row_count', '*', 'count(*)>=10000', 'fail', 'validity',
'distinct ship_mode must be less or equals to 3', false, true, true,false, 0,null, null)

Please set up rules for checking the quality of artificially order table by implementing query data quality option, using the specified format

insert into `catalog`.`schema`.`{product}_rules` (product_id, table_name, rule_type, rule, column_name, expectation, 
action_if_failed, tag, description, enable_for_source_dq_validation,  enable_for_target_dq_validation, is_active, enable_error_drop_alert, error_drop_threshold ,query_dq_delimiter,enable_querydq_custom_output) values

--The query dq rule is established to check product_id difference between two table if difference is more than 20% 
--from source table, the metadata of the rule will be captured in the statistics table as "action_if_failed" is "ignore"
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'query_dq', 'product_missing_count_threshold', '*', 
'((select count(distinct product_id) from {table}) - (select count(distinct product_id) from order))>
(select count(distinct product_id) from product)*0.2', 'ignore', 'validity', 'row count threshold difference must 
be less than 20%', true, true, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The query dq rule is established to check distinct product_id in the product table is less than 5, if not the 
--metadata of the rule will be captured in the statistics table along with fails the job as "action_if_failed" is 
--"fail" and enabled for source dataset
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'query_dq', 'product_category', '*', '(select count(distinct category) 
from {table}) < 5', 'fail', 'validity', 'distinct product category must be less than 5', true, False, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The query dq rule is established to check count of the dataset should be less than 10000 other wise the metadata 
--of the rule will be captured in the statistics table as "action_if_failed" is "ignore" and enabled only for target dataset
,('apla_nd', '`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order', 'query_dq', 'row_count_in_order', '*', 
'(select count(*) from order)<10000', 'ignore', 'accuracy', 'count of the row in order dataset must be less then 10000', 
false, true, true,false, 0,null, null)

--The query dq rule is established to check count of the unique productid and orderid between order_source and order_target dataset. The output
--of the rule will be captured in the statistics table as "action_if_failed" is "ignore" and enabled for both source and target dataset. 
--The enable_querydq_custom_output is set to "true". This will capture the source_f1 and target_f1 alias queries in a query_dq custom output table. 
--This custom table can be passed in the user config : user_config.querydq_output_custom_table_name: <catalog.schema.table_name>. 
--If this value is not passed, the query_dq custom output table will be created by appending "custom_output" as suffix to 
--the stats_table parameter passed with SparkExpectation class invoke. "query_dq_delimiter" is the optional param to have the a specific delimiter for alias queries.
,("na_nd", "`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order", "query_dq", "product_missing_count_threshold", "*", 
"((select count(*) from ({source_f1}) a) - (select count(*) from ({target_f1}) b) ) < 3$source_f1$select distinct product_id,order_id 
from order_source$target_f1$select distinct product_id,order_id from order_target", "ignore", "validity", 
"row count threshold", true, true, true, false, 0,null, true)

--The query dq rule is established to check count of the customer_id counts between customer_source and customer_target dataset. The output
--of the rule will be captured in the statistics table as "action_if_failed" is "ignore" and enabled for both source and target dataset. 
--The enable_querydq_custom_output is set to "true". This will capture the source_f1 and target_f1 alias queries in a query_dq custom output table. 
--This custom table can be passed in the user config : user_config.querydq_output_custom_table_name: <catalog.schema.table_name>.
-- The alias can be anything but if it is passed in the format source_<key_name> and target_<key_name>, the query_dq custom output table will capture the the source and target in the same row which will help in easy comparision. 
--If user_config.querydq_output_custom_table_name is not passed, the query_dq custom output table will be created by appending "custom_output" as suffix to the stats_table 
--parameter passed with SparkExpectation class invoke. "query_dq_delimiter" is the optional param to have the a specific delimiter for alias queries.
,("na_nd", "`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order", "query_dq", "customer_missing_count_threshold","*", 
"((select count(*) from ({source_f1}) a join ({source_f2}) b on a.customer_id = b.customer_id) - (select count(*) 
from ({target_f1}) a join ({target_f2}) b on a.customer_id = b.customer_id)) > ({target_f3})$source_f1$select customer_id, count(*) 
from customer_source group by customer_id$source_f2$select customer_id, 
count(*) from order_source group by customer_id$target_f1$select customer_id, count(*) from customer_target 
group by customer_id$target_f2$select customer_id, count(*) from order_target group by customer_id$target_f3$select count(*) 
from order_source", "ignore", "validity", "customer count threshold", true, true, true, false, 0,null, true)

--The query dq rule is established to check count of the unique productid and orderid between order_source and order_target dataset. The output
--of the rule will be captured in the statistics table as "action_if_failed" is "ignore" and enabled for both source and target dataset. 
--The enable_querydq_custom_output is set to "false". This will not capture the source_f1 alias query to query_dq custom output table. 
--"query_dq_delimiter" is the optional param to have the a specific delimiter for alias queries. Default value is '$'. Her it is overrided with '@'
,("na_nd", "`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order", "query_dq", "order_count_validity", "*", "({source_f1}) > 10@source_f1@select count(*) 
from order_source", "ignore", "validity", "row count threshold", true, true, true, false, 0, "@", false)

--The query dq rule is established to check count of the order_source dataset. The output
--of the rule will be captured in the statistics table as "action_if_failed" is "ignore" and enabled for both source and target dataset. 
--The enable_querydq_custom_output is set to "true". Though it is "true" since there is no alias query in the expectaion, 
--there will not be any output to be captured in the query_dq custom output table. 
-- "query_dq_delimiter" is the optional param to have the a specific delimiter for alias queries. Default value is '$'.
,("na_nd", "`catalog`.`schema`.customer_order", "query_dq", "order_count_validity_check", "*", "(select count(*) 
from order_source) > 10", "ignore", "validity", "row count threshold", true, true, true, false, 0, null, true)