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In order to establish the global configuration parameter for DQ Spark Expectations, you must define and complete the required fields within a variable. This involves creating a variable and ensuring that all the necessary information is provided in the appropriate fields.

from spark_expectations.config.user_config import Constants as user_config

se_global_spark_Conf = {
    user_config.se_notifications_enable_email: False,  # (1)!
    user_config.se_notifications_email_smtp_host: "",  # (2)!
    user_config.se_notifications_email_smtp_port: 25,  # (3)!
    user_config.se_notifications_email_from: "<sender_email_id>",  # (4)!
    user_config.se_notifications_email_to_other_mail_id: "<receiver_email_id's>",  # (5)!
    user_config.se_notifications_email_subject: "spark expectations - data quality - notifications",  # (6)!
    user_config.se_notifications_enable_slack: True,  # (7)!
    user_config.se_notifications_slack_webhook_url: "<slack-webhook-url>",  # (8)!
    user_config.se_notifications_on_start: True,  # (9)!
    user_config.se_notifications_on_completion: True,  # (10)!
    user_config.se_notifications_on_fail: True,  # (11)!
    user_config.se_notifications_on_error_drop_exceeds_threshold_breach: True,  # (12)!
    user_config.se_notifications_on_error_drop_threshold: 15,  # (13)!
  1. The user_config.se_notifications_enable_email parameter, which controls whether notifications are sent via email, is set to false by default
  2. The user_config.se_notifications_email_smtp_host parameter is set to "" by default and is used to specify the email SMTP domain host
  3. The user_config.se_notifications_email_smtp_port parameter, which accepts a port number, is set to "25" by default
  4. The user_config.se_notifications_email_from parameter is used to specify the email ID that will trigger the email notification
  5. The user_configse_notifications_email_to_other_mail_id parameter accepts a list of recipient email IDs
  6. The user_config.se_notifications_email_subject parameter captures the subject line of the email
  7. The user_config.se_notifications_enable_slack parameter, which controls whether notifications are sent via slack, is set to false by default
  8. The user_config/se_notifications_slack_webhook_url parameter accepts the webhook URL of a Slack channel for sending notifications
  9. When user_config.se_notifications_on_start parameter set to True enables notification on start of the spark-expectations, variable by default set to False
  10. When user_config.se_notifications_on_completion parameter set to True enables notification on completion of spark-expectations framework, variable by default set to False
  11. When user_config.se_notifications_on_fail parameter set to True enables notification on failure of spark-expectations data qulaity framework, variable by default set to True
  12. When user_config.se_notifications_on_error_drop_exceeds_threshold_breach parameter set to True enables notification when error threshold reaches above the configured value
  13. The user_config.se_notifications_on_error_drop_threshold parameter captures error drop threshold value

Spark Expectations Initialization

For all the below examples the below import and SparkExpectations class instantiation is mandatory

When store for sensitive details is Databricks secret scope,construct config dictionary for authentication of kafka and avoid duplicate construction every time your project is initialized, you can create a dictionary with the following keys and their appropriate values. This dictionary can be placed in the file of your project or declared as a global variable.

from typing import Dict, Union
from spark_expectations.config.user_config import Constants as user_config

stats_streaming_config_dict: Dict[str, Union[bool, str]] = {
                user_config.se_enable_streaming: True, # (1)!
                user_config.secret_type: "databricks", # (2)!
                user_config.dbx_workspace_url  : "", # (3)!
                user_config.dbx_secret_scope: "sole_common_prod", # (4)!
                user_config.dbx_kafka_server_url: "se_streaming_server_url_secret_key", # (5)!
                user_config.dbx_secret_token_url: "se_streaming_auth_secret_token_url_key", # (6)!
                user_config.dbx_secret_app_name: "se_streaming_auth_secret_appid_key", # (7)!
                user_config.dbx_secret_token: "se_streaming_auth_secret_token_key", # (8)!
                user_config.dbx_topic_name: "se_streaming_topic_name", # (9)!

  1. The user_config.se_enable_streaming parameter is used to control the enabling or disabling of Spark Expectations (SE) streaming functionality. When enabled, SE streaming stores the statistics of every batch run into Kafka.
  2. The user_config.secret_type used to define type of secret store and takes two values (databricks, cererus) by default will be databricks
  3. The user_config.dbx_workspace_url used to pass databricks workspace in the format https://<workspace_name>
  4. The user_config.dbx_secret_scope captures name of the secret scope
  5. The user_config.dbx_kafka_server_url captures secret key for the kafka url
  6. The user_config.dbx_secret_token_url captures secret key for the kafka authentication app url
  7. The user_config.dbx_secret_app_name captures secret key for the kafka authentication app name
  8. The user_config.dbx_secret_token captures secret key for the kafka authentication app secret token
  9. The user_config.dbx_topic_name captures secret key for the kafka topic name

Similarly when sensitive store is cerberus:

from typing import Dict, Union
from spark_expectations.config.user_config import Constants as user_config

stats_streaming_config_dict: Dict[str, Union[bool, str]] = {
                user_config.se_enable_streaming: True, # (1)!
                user_config.secret_type: "databricks", # (2)!
                user_config.cbs_url  : "https://<url>", # (3)!
                user_config.cbs_sdb_path: "cerberus_sdb_path", # (4)!
                user_config.cbs_kafka_server_url: "se_streaming_server_url_secret_sdb_path", # (5)!
                user_config.cbs_secret_token_url: "se_streaming_auth_secret_token_url_sdb_apth", # (6)!
                user_config.cbs_secret_app_name: "se_streaming_auth_secret_appid_sdb_path", # (7)!
                user_config.cbs_secret_token: "se_streaming_auth_secret_token_sdb_path", # (8)!
                user_config.cbs_topic_name: "se_streaming_topic_name_sdb_path", # (9)!
  1. The user_config.se_enable_streaming parameter is used to control the enabling or disabling of Spark Expectations (SE) streaming functionality. When enabled, SE streaming stores the statistics of every batch run into Kafka.
  2. The user_config.secret_type used to define type of secret store and takes two values (databricks, cererus) by default will be databricks
  3. The user_config.cbs_url used to pass cerberus url
  4. The user_config.cbs_sdb_path captures cerberus secure data store path
  5. The user_config.cbs_kafka_server_url captures path where kafka url stored in the cerberus sdb
  6. The user_config.cbs_secret_token_url captures path where kafka authentication app stored in the cerberus sdb
  7. The user_config.cbs_secret_app_name captures path where kafka authentication app name stored in the cerberus sdb
  8. The user_config.cbs_secret_token captures path where kafka authentication app name secret token stored in the cerberus sdb
  9. The user_config.cbs_topic_name captures path where kafka topic name stored in the cerberus sdb
from spark_expectations.core.expectations import SparkExpectations

# product_id should match with the "product_id" in the rules table
se: SparkExpectations = SparkExpectations(product_id="your-products-id", stats_streaming_options=stats_streaming_config_dict)  # (1)!
  1. Instantiate SparkExpectations class which has all the required functions for running data quality rules

Example 1

from spark_expectations.config.user_config import *  # (7)!

@se.with_expectations(  # (6)!
    se.reader.get_rules_from_table(  # (5)!
        product_rules_table="pilot_nonpub.dq.dq_rules",  # (1)!
        table_name="pilot_nonpub.dq_employee.employee",  # (2)!
        dq_stats_table_name="pilot_nonpub.dq.dq_stats"  # (3)!
    write_to_table=True,  # (4)!
    write_to_temp_table=True,  # (8)!
    row_dq=True,  # (9)!
    agg_dq={  # (10)!
        user_config.se_agg_dq: True,  # (11)!
        user_config.se_source_agg_dq: True,  # (12)!
        user_config.se_final_agg_dq: True,  # (13)!
    query_dq={  # (14)!
        user_config.se_query_dq: True,  # (15)!
        user_config.se_source_query_dq: True,  # (16)!
        user_config.se_final_query_dq: True,  # (17)!
        user_config.se_target_table_view: "order",  # (18)!
    spark_conf=se_global_spark_Conf,  # (19)!

def build_new() -> DataFrame:
    _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    _df_order.createOrReplaceTempView("order")  # (20)!

    _df_product: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/product.csv"))
    _df_product.createOrReplaceTempView("product")  # (20)!

    _df_customer: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/customer.csv"))

    _df_customer.createOrReplaceTempView("customer")  # (20)!

    return _df_order  # (21)!
  1. Provide the full table name of the table which contains the rules
  2. Provide the table name using which the _error table will be created, which contains all the failed records. Note if you are also wanting to write the data using write_df, then the table_name provided to both the functions should be same
  3. Provide the full table name where the stats will be written into
  4. Use this argument to write the final data into the table. By default, it is False. This is optional, if you just want to run the data quality checks. A good example will be a staging table or temporary view.
  5. This functions reads the rules from the table and return them as a dict, which is an input to the with_expectations function
  6. This is the decorator that helps us run the data quality rules. After running the rules the results will be written into _stats table and error table
  7. import necessary configurable variables from user_config package for the specific functionality to configure in spark-expectations
  8. Use this argument to write the input dataframe into the temp table, so that it breaks the spark plan and might speed up the job in cases of complex dataframe lineage
  9. The argument row_dq is optional and enables the conducting of row-based data quality checks. By default, this argument is set to True, however, if desired, these checks can be skipped by setting the argument to False.
  10. The agg_dq argument is a dictionary that is used to gather different settings and options for the purpose of configuring the agg_dq
  11. The argument se_agg_dq is utilized to activate the aggregate data quality check, and its default setting is True.
  12. The se_source_agg_dq argument is optional and enables the conducting of aggregate-based data quality checks on the source data. By default, this argument is set to True, and this option depends on the agg_dq value. If desired, these checks can be skipped by setting the source_agg_dq argument to False.
  13. This optional argument se_final_agg_dq allows to perform agg-based data quality checks on final data, with the default setting being True, which depended on row_agg and agg_dq. skip these checks by setting argument to False
  14. The query_dq argument is a dictionary that is used to gather different settings and options for the purpose of configuring the query_dq
  15. The argument se_query_dq is utilized to activate the aggregate data quality check, and its default setting is True.
  16. The se_source_query_dq argument is optional and enables the conducting of query-based data quality checks on the source data. By default, this argument is set to True, and this option depends on the agg_dq value. If desired, these checks can be skipped by setting the source_agg_dq argument to False.
  17. This optional argument se_final_query_dq allows to perform query_based data quality checks on final data, with the default setting being True, which depended on row_agg and agg_dq. skip these checks by setting argument to False
  18. The parameter se_target_table_view can be provided with the name of a view that represents the target validated dataset for implementation of query_dq on the clean dataset from row_dq
  19. The spark_conf parameter is utilized to gather all the configurations that are associated with notifications
  20. View registration can be utilized when implementing query_dq expectations.
  21. Returning a dataframe is mandatory for the spark_expectations to work, if we do not return a dataframe - then an exceptionm will be raised

Example 2

@se.with_expectations(  # (1)!
   row_dq=True  # (2)!
def build_new() -> DataFrame:
    _df: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/employee.csv"))
    return df 
  1. Conduct only row-based data quality checks while skipping the aggregate data quality checks
  2. Disabled the aggregate data quality checks

Example 3

@se.with_expectations(  # (1)!
   row_dq=False,  # (2)!
        user_config.se_agg_dq: True, 
        user_config.se_source_agg_dq: True, 
        user_config.se_final_agg_dq: False, 

def build_new() -> DataFrame:
    _df: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/employee.csv"))
    return df 
  1. Perform only aggregate-based data quality checks while avoiding both row-based data quality checks and aggregate data quality checks on the validated dataset, since row validation has not taken place
  2. Disabled the row data quality checks

Example 4

@se.with_expectations(  # (1)!
   query_dq={  # (2)!
        user_config.se_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_source_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_final_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_target_table_view: "order",

def build_new() -> DataFrame:
    _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    _df_product: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/product.csv")) 

    _df_customer: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/customer.csv"))


    return _df_order
  1. Conduct row-based and query-based data quality checks only on the source and target dataset, while skipping the aggregate data quality checks on the validated dataset
  2. Enabled the query data quality checks

Example 5

@se.with_expectations(  # (1)!
   agg_dq={ # (10)!
        user_config.user_configse_agg_dq: True, 
        user_config.se_source_agg_dq: True,
        user_config.se_final_agg_dq: False, # (2)!

def build_new() -> DataFrame:
   _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    return _df_order 
  1. Conduct row-based and aggregate-based data quality checks only on the source dataset, while skipping the aggregate data quality checks on the validated dataset
  2. Disabled the final aggregate data quality quality checks

Example 6

import os

    spark_conf=se_global_spark_Conf, # (2)!

def build_new() -> DataFrame:
   _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    return _df_order 
  1. There are four types of notifications: notification_on_start, notification_on_completion, notification_on_fail and notification_on_error_threshold_breach. Enable notifications for all four stages by setting the values to True
  2. To provide the absolute file path for a configuration variable that holds information regarding notifications, use the decalared global variable, se_global_spark_Conf

Example 7

@se.with_expectations( # (1)!
        user_config.se_agg_dq: False,
        user_config.se_source_agg_dq: False, 
        user_config.se_final_agg_dq: True,
        user_config.se_query_dq: False,
        user_config.se_source_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_final_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_target_table_view: "order", 
def build_new() -> DataFrame:
   _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    return _df_order 
  1. Below combination of row_dq, agg_dq, source_agg_dq, final_agg_dq, query_dq, source_query_dq and final_query_dq skips the data quality checks because source_agg_dq depends on agg_dq and final_agg_dq depends on row_dq and agg_dq

Example 8

@se.with_expectations( # (1)!
        actions_if_failed=["drop", "ignore"]  # (1)!
def build_new() -> DataFrame:
   _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    return _df_order 
  1. By default action_if_failed contains ["fail", "drop", "ignore"], but if we want to run only rules which has a particular action then we can pass them as list shown in the example

Example 9

@se.with_expectations( # (1)!
        actions_if_failed=["drop", "ignore"]  # (1)!
    row_dq=True,  # (2)!
        user_config.se_agg_dq: True, 
        user_config.se_source_agg_dq: True,
        user_config.se_final_agg_dq: True, 
        user_config.se_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_source_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_final_query_dq: True,
        user_config.se_target_table_view: "order", 

def build_new() -> DataFrame:
   _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))

    _df_product: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/product.csv")) 

    _df_customer: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/customer.csv"))


    return _df_order
  1. The default options for the action_if_failed field are ["fail", "drop", or "ignore"], but you can specify which of these actions to run by providing a list of the desired actions in the example when selecting which data quality rules set to apply
  2. Data quality rules will only be applied if they have ["drop" or "ignore"] specified in the action_if_failed field

Example 10

   spark_conf={"spark.files.maxPartitionBytes": "134217728"},  # (1)!
   options={"mode": "overwrite", "partitionBy": "order_month", 
            "overwriteSchema": "true"},  # (2)!
   options_error_table={"partition_by": "id"}  # (3)!
def build_new() -> DataFrame:
    _df_order: DataFrame = ("header", "true")
        .option("inferSchema", "true")
        .csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/order.csv"))
    return _df_order
  1. Provide the optional spark_conf if needed, this is used while writing the data into the final and error table along with notification related configurations
  2. Provide the optional options if needed, this is used while writing the data into the final table
  3. Provide the optional options_error_table if needed, this is used while writing the data into the error table