def main() -> None:
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
print("Creating the necessary infrastructure for the tests to run locally!")
# run kafka locally in docker
print("create or run if exist docker container")
os.system(f"sh {current_dir}/docker_scripts/")
# create database
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hive/warehouse/dq_spark_local.db")
spark.sql("create database if not exists dq_spark_local")
spark.sql("use dq_spark_local")
# create project_rules_table
spark.sql("drop table if exists dq_rules")
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hive/warehouse/dq_spark_local.db/dq_rules")
create table dq_rules (
product_id STRING,
table_name STRING,
rule_type STRING,
rule STRING,
column_name STRING,
expectation STRING,
action_if_failed STRING,
description STRING,
enable_for_source_dq_validation BOOLEAN,
enable_for_target_dq_validation BOOLEAN,
is_active BOOLEAN,
enable_error_drop_alert BOOLEAN,
error_drop_threshold INT
USING delta
"ALTER TABLE dq_rules ADD CONSTRAINT rule_type_action CHECK (rule_type in ('row_dq', 'agg_dq', 'query_dq'));"
"ALTER TABLE dq_rules ADD CONSTRAINT action CHECK ((rule_type = 'row_dq' and action_if_failed IN ('ignore', 'drop', 'fail')) or "
"(rule_type = 'agg_dq' and action_if_failed in ('ignore', 'fail')) or (rule_type = 'query_dq' and action_if_failed in ('ignore', 'fail')));"
# create project_dq_stats_table
# spark.sql("drop table if exists dq_stats")
# os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hive/warehouse/dq_spark_local.db/dq_stats")
# spark.sql(
# """
# create table dq_stats (
# product_id STRING,
# table_name STRING,
# input_count LONG,
# error_count LONG,
# output_count LONG,
# output_percentage FLOAT,
# success_percentage FLOAT,
# error_percentage FLOAT,
# source_agg_dq_results array<map<string, string>>,
# final_agg_dq_results array<map<string, string>>,
# source_query_dq_results array<map<string, string>>,
# final_query_dq_results array<map<string, string>>,
# row_dq_res_summary array<map<string, string>>,
# dq_status map<string, string>,
# dq_run_time map<string, float>,
# dq_rules map<string, map<string,int>>,
# meta_dq_run_id STRING,
# meta_dq_run_date DATE,
# meta_dq_run_datetime TIMESTAMP
# )
# USING delta
# """
# )
insert into table dq_rules values
("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "customer_id_is_not_null", "customer_id", "customer_id is not null","drop", "validity", "customer_id ishould not be null", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "sales_greater_than_zero", "sales", "sales > 0", "drop", "accuracy", "sales value should be greater than zero", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "discount_threshold", "discount", "discount*100 < 60","drop", "validity", "discount should be less than 40", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "ship_mode_in_set", "ship_mode", "lower(trim(ship_mode)) in('second class', 'standard class', 'standard class')", "drop", "validity", "ship_mode mode belongs in the sets", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "profit_threshold", "profit", "profit>0", "drop", "validity", "profit threshold should be greater tahn 0", true, true, true, true, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "agg_dq", "sum_of_sales", "sales", "sum(sales)>10000", "ignore", "validity", "regex format validation for quantity", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "agg_dq", "sum_of_quantity", "quantity", "sum(sales)>10000", "ignore", "validity", "regex format validation for quantity", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "agg_dq", "distinct_of_ship_mode", "ship_mode", "count(distinct ship_mode)<=3", "ignore", "validity", "regex format validation for quantity", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "agg_dq", "row_count", "*", "count(*)>=10000", "ignore", "validity", "regex format validation for quantity", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "query_dq", "product_missing_count_threshold", "*", "((select count(distinct product_id) from product) - (select count(distinct product_id) from order))>(select count(distinct product_id) from product)*0.2", "ignore", "validity", "row count threshold", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "query_dq", "product_category", "*", "(select count(distinct category) from product) < 5", "ignore", "validity", "distinct product category", true, true, true, false, 0)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "query_dq", "row_count_in_order", "*", "(select count(*) from order)<10000", "ignore", "accuracy", "count of the row in order dataset", true, true, true, false, 0)
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "referential_integrity_customer_id", "customer_id",
# "customer_id in(select distinct customer_id from customer)", true, true, "drop", true, "validity",
# "referential integrity for cuatomer_id")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "referential_integrity_product_id", "product_id",
# "select count(*) from (select distinct product_id as ref_product from product) where product_id=ref_product > 1",
# true, true, "drop", true, "validity", "referntial integrity for product_id")
# , (
# "your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "regex_format_sales", "sales", "sales rlike '[1-9]+.[1-9]+'",
# true, true, "drop", true, "validity", "regex format validation for sales")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "regex_format_quantity", "quantity",
# "quantity rlike '[1-9]+.[1-9]+'", true, true, "drop", true, "validity", "regex format validation for quantity")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "date_format_order_date", "order_date",
# "order_date rlike '([1-3][1-9]|[0-1])/([1-2]|[1-9])/20[0-2][0-9]''", true, true, "drop", true, "validity",
# "regex format validation for quantity")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "regex_format_order_id", "order_id",
# "order_id rlike '(US|CA)-20[0-2][0-9]-*''", true, true, "drop", true, "validity",
# "regex format validation for quantity")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.employee_new", "query_dq", "", "*",
# "(select count(*) from dq_spark_local_employee_new)!=(select count(*) from dq_spark_local_employee_new)", true,
# false, "ignore", false, "validity", "canary check to comapre the two table count")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.employee_new", "query_dq", "department_salary_threshold", "department",
# "(select count(*) from (select department from dq_spark_local_employee_new group by department having sum(bonus)>1000))<1",
# true, false, "ignore", true, "validity", "each sub-department threshold")
# , (
# "your_product", "dq_spark_local.employee_new", "query_dq", "count_of_exit_date_nulls_threshold", "exit_date", "", true,
# true, "ignore", false, "validity", "exit_date null threshold")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "complete_duplicate", "*",
# "count(*) over(partition by customer_id,product_id,order_id,order_date,ship_date,ship_mode,sales,quantity,discount,profit order by 1)",
# true, true, "drop", true, "validity", "complete duplicate record")
# , ("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "primary_key_check", "*",
# "count(*) over(partition by customer_id, order_id order by 1)", true, true, "drop", true, "validity",
# "primary key check")
# ,("your_product", "dq_spark_local.customer_order", "row_dq", "order_date_format_check", "order_date", "to_date(order_date, 'dd/MM/yyyy')", true, true,"drop" ,true, "validity", "Age of the employee should be less than 65")
spark.sql("select * from dq_rules").show(truncate=False)
# DROP the data tables and error tables
spark.sql("drop table if exists dq_spark_local.customer_order")
"rm -rf /tmp/hive/warehouse/dq_spark_local.db/dq_spark_local.customer_order"
spark.sql("drop table if exists dq_spark_local.customer_order_error")
"rm -rf /tmp/hive/warehouse/dq_spark_local.db/dq_spark_local.customer_order_error"
print("Local infrastructure setup is done")