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Welcome to Spark-Expectations

Taking inspiration from DLT - data quality expectations: Spark-Expectations is built, so that the data quality rules can run using decorator pattern while the spark job is in flight and Additionally, the framework able to perform data quality checks when the data is at rest.


Most of the data quality tools do the data quality checks or data validation on a table at rest and provide metrics in different forms. While the existing tools are good to do profiling and provide metrics, below are the problems that we commonly see

  • The existing tools do not perform any action or remove the malformed data in the original table
  • Most existing frameworks do not offer the capability to perform both row and column level data quality checks within a single tool.
  • User have to manually check the provided metrics, and it becomes cumbersome to find the records which doesn't meet the data quality standards
  • Downstream users have to consume the same data with error, or they have to do additional computation to remove the records that doesn't meet the standards
  • Another process is required as a corrective action to rectify the errors in the data and lot of planning is usually required for this acitivity

Spark-Expectations solves all of the above problems by following the below principles

  • Spark Expectations provides the ability to run both individual row-based and overall aggregated data quality rules on both the source and validated data sets. In case a rules fails, the row-level error is recorded in the _error table and a summarized report of all failed aggregated data quality rules is compiled in the _stats table
  • All the records which fail one or more data quality rules, are by default quarantined in an _error table along with the metadata on rules that failed, job information etc. This helps analysts or products to look at the error data easily and work with the teams required to correct the data and reprocess it easily
  • Aggregated Metrics are provided on the job level along with necessary metadata so that recalculation or compute is avoided
  • The data that doesn't meet the data quality contract or the standards is not written into the final table unless or otherwise specified.
  • By default, frameworks have the capability to send notifications only upon failure, but they have the ability to send notifications at the start, as well as upon completion

There is a field in the rules table called action_if_failed, which determines what needs to be done if a rule fails

  • Let's consider a hypothetical scenario, where we have 100 columns and with 200 row level data quality rules, 10 aggregation data quality rules and 5 query data quality rules computed against. When the dq job is run, there are 10 rules that failed on a particular row and 4 aggregation rules fails- what determines if that row should end up in final table or not? Below are the heirarchy of checks that happens?
  • Among the row level 10 rules failed, if there is atleast one rule which has an action_if_failed as fail - then the job will be failed
  • Among the 10 row level rules failed, if there is no rule that has an action_if_failed as fail, but atleast has one rule with action_if_failed as drop - then the record/row will be dropped
  • Among the 10 row level rules failed, if no rule neither has fail nor drop as an action_if_failed - then the record will be end up in the final table. Note that, this record would also exist in the _error table
  • The aggregation and query dq rules have a setting called action_if_failed with two options: fail or ignore. If any of the 10 aggregation rules and 5 query dq rules which failed has an action_if_failed_as_fail, then the metadata summary will be recorded in the _stats table and the job will be considered a failure. However, if none of the failed rules has an action_if_failed_as_fail, then summary of the aggregated rules' metadata will still be collected in the _stats table for failed aggregated and query dq rules.

Please find the spark-expectations flow and feature diagrams here