All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AwsClientFactory Factory to create clients for supported AWS services.AwsModule Loads tasks and configuration for AWS.CloudFormationModule Loads the tasks and configuration for CloudFormation.ConsoleLogger Logs messages to standard out so that they are available in the Gradle task output.CreateCFStackTask Task that creates a CloudFormation stack.CreateDynamoDbTableTask Task that creates a DynamoDB table.CreateS3BucketsTask Task that creates S3 buckets.CreateSnsTopicWithSqsEndpointTask Task that creates an SNS topic with an attached SQS queue.CreateSqsQueuesTask Task that creates an SQS queue.CreateSqsQueueWithDlqTask Task that creates an SQS queue with an attached deadletter queue.DeleteCFStackTask Task that deletes a CloudFormation stack.DeleteDynamoDbTableTask Task that deletes a DynamoDB table.DeleteS3BucketsTask Task that deletes S3 buckets.DeleteSnsTopicTask Task that deletes an SNS topic.DynamoDbModule Loads the tasks and configuration for DynamoDB.DynamoDBTaskUtil Utility methods shared amongst the DynamoDB tasks.InitLocalStackTask Task that initializes the project with a default LocalStack Docker Compose configuration.ListCFStacksTask Task that lists the configured CloudFormation stacks.ListDynamoDBTablesTask Task that lists all DynamoDB tables.ListS3BucketsTask Task that lists all S3 buckets.ListSnsTopicsTask Task that lists SNS topics.ListSnsTopicSubscriptionsTask Tasks that lists subscriptions for an SNS topic.ListSqsQueuesTask Task that lists SQS queues.LocalStackDir Utility class for locating and working with the LocalStack working directory.LocalStackExtension LocalStack Gradle Plugin extension properties.LocalStackModule Loads tasks and configuration for core LocalStack.LocalStackPlugin LocalStack Gradle PluginLocalStackSetupTask Marker annotation for tasks to be included as dependencies of the `startLocalStack` task.PublishSqsTask Task that publishes messages to SQS queues.PurgeS3BucketsTask Task that purges S3 buckets.PurgeSqsQueuesTask Task that purges messages from SQS queues.RequiredPlugins Utility class for getting information on plugins that are required to be applied in order to use the LocalStack Gradle plugin.Retry Wrapper function that retries, with exponential backoff, in the event of an exception.Retry.RetryableFunction<T> Function that adds retries with exponential backoff.S3Module Loads task and configuration for S3.S3TaskUtil Utility methods shared amongst the S3 tasks.SnsModule SnsTaskUtil Utility methods shared amongst the SNS tasks.SpringBootExtension Extension properties for the Spring Boot module.SpringBootModule Loads tasks and configuration for integrating Spring Boot with LocalStack.SqsModule Loads tasks and configuration for Sqs.SqsTaskUtil Utility methods shared amongst the SQS tasks.